Chapter 35

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Annabeth's POV

Piper and I hang out daily now. We walk to each other's dorms without telling the other but we're always fine with it.

She's someone I can trust.

So I'm gonna tell her.

"Hey Annabeth." Piper didn't even look up from her work as Annabeth let herself in.

"Hey." Annabeth's nerves were all over the place. She was practically shaking. She's never told anyone and there's no telling what Luke would do if he found out.

Piper put her pencil down.

"What's wrong? You sound down."

Annabeth freaked. She tried calming herself down but it didn't work. Her breaths became shorter, the room spun. The edges of her vision faded.

A buzz was in her ear.

"Annabeth." Piper was shaking her. "Breath In. Breath out. Breath in 1,2,3, hold 1,2,3, breath out 1,2,3.

She repeating this several times until my breathing calmed.

"You ok now?" She asked softly.

I mentally thanked her for not asking what caused the panic attack.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Here, my friends and I were planning to get lunch in an hour, you wanna come? You can socialize!"

Annabeth didn't know why not, so she agreed.

But she still needed to tell Piper.

Hoped to see you again (Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now