Chapter 52

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Annabeth's POV 

When I got back, I went right back into a routine. I went to classes, studied, and did homework. I never mentioned the trip to Luke and I ignored my phone. I went to study sessions with others, I started eating better, and began focusing on my health. Going on daily runs and meditating helped me clear my head and stay relaxed.

I broke free of the water that was drowning me. I can breathe again.


The scene before me was all too familiar as the smell of antibacterials filled the air. It's a weird feeling, being here after all these years. I took a deep breath and walked to the lady behind the white counter in the middle of the lobby.

"Hello, how may I help you?" 

"I'm here to see Thalia Grace."

She led me to an all too familiar room, white door, grey frame, like all the others in the hospital, but a small crack in the wall surrounding it differentiated it. I could still feel the throbbing pain 

"Okay, she's right through here." 

The door opened up to a small room that contained a chair and a hospital bed, the faint beeping coming from the heart monitor. The nurse shut the door behind her when she left, leaving me and the body on the bed alone.

"Hey, Thalia." I could hear my voice break.

When I finally turned my phone on again, I found hundreds of missed calls and texts from Luke, but not just him. Percy, Piper, and a few other numbers I didn't recognize had contacted me, asking how I was, where I was, and if I was okay. Tears burned in my eyes as a smile overtook my face. Slowly, I pressed the call button.


I smiled at the voice. 

"Hey, Piper. Do you want to do something sometime this week?"

I was recovering. After I had called her, Piper made sure we hung out every day of the week, whether it was just coffee before class, or going to the gym together. We talking about all the things we never had the chance to talk about, Piper's break up with Jason, Leo's recently built electric brush. We talked, laughed, smiled, and I loved this feeling. This feeling of being wanted. This feeling of contentedness. This feeling without Luke.

"We need to talk."

I could feel his fury through the phone. Piper winced as his voice blasted from the speaker of the phone.

"Annabeth! Where the hell have y-" 

"Luke," I cut him off, "we need to talk." 

"I swear if Jackson put you up to this-"

"I'll meet you at the coffee place on the far side of campus at 3," I replied calmly.



I let the phone fall from my hand. I was shaking, but when I looked back at Piper, she smiled warmly back at me. 

"I'm proud of you."

And I let myself smile back.


Luke didn't take it too well at first, but I knew the more I thought about it, the more I would want to go back and apologize. And I don't want to go back. Luke, who's been by my side all these years, who's helped me through so much, is part of my past. And although I don't completely regret all the choices I made regarding him, keeping him in my life would be toxic. Luke was my lover, my support, and my best friend, but I've found new people who can fill those roles as well. He wasn't the best person, but I know he cared for me. When I brought up all the misdoings he did to me during our relationship, his defense was weak, the realization finally sinking through him. We weren't the perfect couple we wanted to be and we didn't have that perfect relationship, but we'll grow from it. 

I don't love Luke anymore. I don't think I have for a while. And I don't think I forgive him for all the things he's done to me, but we parted ways peacefully with the agreement to not keep in touch and to keep this in the past. Still, I did love him once and I don't know how long it'll take me to heal completely, but I'll have those by my side to help me through it.

This is the last chapter!!! There's only an epilogue left!! Sorry for the wait!

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