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Annabeth's POV

"No way! Get back here!"

I feel my heart pounding in my chest as I sprint away from Percy after successfully sneaking up and tagging him. Laughing, I wink at him and speed back with Piper, our high five only a bit awkward from the movement.

"You cheaters!" Percy calls accusingly. "Making alliances should be illegal!"

Piper sticks her tongue out at him. "Well, suck it, Percy! It isn't!"

Our laughter quickly faded as we realize Percy was gaining on us, Leo by his side.

"If you can make alliances, then we can too!" Leo yells, running quite fast for his scrawny body.

This ongoing game of tag from an entire year ago has caused many unwanted collisions with other students who probably didn't appreciate it too much and terrifying jump scares when someone happened to sneak up on you on your way to class, leaving you 'it' until you managed to find and tag someone else. I was tagged at the airport right before my flight home, which was completely uncalled for. Over the summer, Piper and I made plans to tag Percy after his first-class before dorm registration.

"Where did you even come from?" I scream back, running frantically towards the girl's dorms. "We thought you had class."

I didn't even need to glance back to see Leo wink. "A magician never reveals his secret."

Beside me, Piper slaps her forehead. "Percy was just at math. I completely forgot. They have the same class."

Piper and I give a final burst of energy and barely make it through the doors before the guys ran face-first into the glass doors, providing us a glorious view of their smushed expressions.

The security guard barely gives us a second glance, already used to us running full speed with guys trailing behind us. The first time was an... experience that may or may not have included handcuffs, a taser, and a lot of frantic explaining.

Piper and I laugh together, the air puffing out in increments as we try to catch our breaths. If I was out of shape before, this game made sure that I wasn't now. Still, one can only run so much so fast without the need to throw up their lungs.

"We're gonna get you for this!" Leo screeches through the window, his voice muffled by the glass as he glared through it.

Piper and I continue laughing, sticking our tongues out one last time but right as we turn around we hear a squawk. Startled, we turn around to see Percy's hand on Leo's shoulder, Leo's face contorted to an expression of hurt and betrayal.

Percy shrugs. "Sorry, man. You gotta do what you gotta do."

Leo screeches, "We had a truce! You backstabbing motherf-MMMMMHHHH" Percy quickly shoves his hand over his mouth, promptly shutting Leo up. His options were limited since we had a 'no-tags-backsies' rule and continued protesting through muffled curses as Percy drags him away, waving to us and giving the security guard an apologetic smile.

We continued laughing as we walked down the halls and joined the line of people. Piper and I decided to move into the same dorm room this term since I didn't have a roommate and Piper and her roommate despised one another.

It's been a year since I began my recovery. I'm fine now. I have friends to support me, a father to rely on, and myself. And I keep myself afloat.

Piper speaks, breaking me from my thoughts. "Hey, Annabeth. Today's August 17."

I furrow my brows in confusion. "And?"

Piper clasps a hand over her mouth with a small gasp. "Oh my gosh, don't tell me you forgot."

Hoped to see you again (Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now