Chapter 51

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Percy's POV 

Annabeth seemed to have disappeared. She wasn't answering any of my calls or texts. I asked around, wondering if maybe she was just avoiding me, but no one's seen or heard from her either. I even went in to her classes and asked her professors, but they all said she hasn't been attending class lately. Something wasn't right. I was worried out of my mind, the picture of an all too familiar face flashing in my mind.

"She would never let him do anything to him," I thought. Then again, she's already let him do so much to her.


I found Luke's dorm after asking around. I lifted my hand and knocked on the smooth wooden door. I heard shuffling inside and then the door swung open, revealing a very disheveled Luke. I pushed through him into his room, looking around the filthy space.

I glared at him. "Where is she?" 

"Excuse me, I don't think you're in any position to be asking questions as you just barged into my room without any reason."

"Where. Is. She." I gritted out.

Luke stared at me, anger flashing in his eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about." 

"You're a liar," I accused. 

"I'm not lying."

"Yeah sure," I scoffed. "Seriously, you think that I don't know everything you've done to Annabeth? Piper's told me all of it! I SAW it! You're hurting her. You've HIT her."

Luke growled. "Don't act like I don't care about her. Everything I've done has been for her. All of it!"

My hands shook with anger. "What! Name one thing! Name one thing you've done that's benefitted Annabeth!"

Luke's eyes were squeezed tight, fists trembling by his sides. "You don't understand. I've seen her in a dark place, and it's somewhere I never want to see her in again." Tears were dripping down his face. "But it's not like you can understand. You've barely been in her life. I've been with her through it all. I've heard her say so many... so many terrible things. You don't think I've looked for her! I've called, texted, waited for her after classes. I've done everything but it's no use. She left."

Luke looked pathetic, tears running down his face, his usually broad body crumpled and hunched over like he was trying to fold into himself. But I didn't care. "You've done nothing but hurt her." My voice was cold, and I hated it. "You don't deserve Annabeth. She would be better off without you. She probably left because of you."

I saw Annabeth a few days later, walking normally to class. I wanted to speak to her. I wanted to tell her everything. How much she means to me. How much I've missed her. How much I love her. But I didn't. Because I knew that I didn't deserve her either.

Hoped to see you again (Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now