Chapter 13

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:( sorry.

Percy's POV

I woke up a few hours later, hearing the sound of music coming from besides me. I looked to the left. On the bed side table, there was a tray of nasty hospital food and my phone. I turned up the sound and glanced painfully at the food, but I was grateful for the phone. The first thing I did was call my 'mom.'

She asked if I was ok and I responded with a quick yes. It turns out she was the one to drop off my phone at the front. After thanking her, I asked if either her or my 'dad' could drop off some actual food, but they were at work so nasty food yay! I hung up and was about to close my phone when I saw Annabeth's number and I clicked on call.

She answered after two rings.

"Hello? Percy? You ok?" She asked through the phone, worry seeping in her voice

"Yeah, of course. I just..." I trailed off.

"You just..." she pushed.

"Want better food." I finished.

That made her laugh. I missed that laugh. It hasn't changed much, maybe to accommodate her changes in her voice, but it was pretty much the same. This made me smile and laugh.

"What? The hospital food is nasty! Do you have time to send over some real food?" I asked.

"Yeah sure. What do you want? In-and-Out? (For you poor souls who don't have in and out, it's a really good family owned fast food restaurant that isn't like McDonald's and it's only basically in California, Arizona, and Nevada I think.)" she asked.

"YASSS PLEASEEEEE!" I exclaimed.

"Ok, I'll be there in a sec after I go buy it."

"Thank youuuuuu." I sung.

I sat on the bed happily, forgetting about my injuries and listening to my playlist.

Twenty minutes later, the door creaked open and a nurse's face peeked in.

"Ms. Chase is here to see you."

Annabeth walked in and when I didn't see the familiar bag of food, my face fell. She laughed and took off her bag.

"All you want me here for us the food? I feel hurt Perce. You don't want my amazing company?" She said sarcastically. Annabeth reached into her bag and pulled out the bag of food. My face brightened and I reached for it. A pain shot through my arm and I flinched, putting it back down and reaching with my non-broken arm.

She noticed and she gave me this look when the person is both sentimental and joking. I smiled too, staring into her deep grey eyes. They had see so much and she didn't have anyone to comfort her. I hadn't realized she had spoke until she snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"You still there Perce?"

I shook my head. "Ya sorry. What were you saying?"

"I was saying that I bought you food and you're just staring at me blanking out." She laughed, rolling her eyes sarcastically.

I blushed and laughed as I opened the bag and the familiar smell wafted into the room.

"Finally! Real food!" I exclaimed.

That got a laugh out of Annabeth.

We sat and talked for a while, just catching up until the sun set and Annabeth's phone rang.

"Sorry, gotta go. Dinner's ready."

"No problem. Drive safely."

She thanked me but laughed because of the irony. I stared as the door shut, and sighed. I had gotten a second chance with Annabeth, but I just got friend-zoned. I drifted off, mind still whirring with the thoughts of my childhood friend.


Hoped to see you again (Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now