Alyssa and Maddie in action?

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Author Pov

Alyssa and Maddie are looking for their next target. They need to kill 99 Kishin souls and 1 demon.

A Kishin just killed another human and ate the soul. The kishin has mechanical legs used for killing it's prey.

"Aly, this one killed a person with no permision." Maddie who is sitting at one of the steps of the stairs said. Alyssa who is standing beside her nodded. The Kishin saw them and started running up towards them. Alyssa blocked his attack with her hands and Maddie stood up. The Kishin backed away and so have Alyssa and Maddie. They formed their battle stances.

"Mads...." Aly said and Maddie nodded. Maddie held Alyssa's hand and formed into a katana.

"Kishin, Gorelm. It's time to die. Your soul is mine!" Alyssa said in her dark voice while aiming at the Kishin and charged. The Kishin attempted to hit her but she dodged. She jumped up and aimed her sword at the Kishin. She fell down with her katana aimed at the Kishin. Blood spilled when she killed the Kishin and his soul floated. Maddie changed back and ate the Kishin's soul.

"Yummy" Maddie said while wiping her mouth. Alyssa sighed and looked at Maddie without any emotions.

"Let's go talk with Lord Death. We still need to find a demon so I can transform you into a demon hunter scythe." Alyssa said she breathed on a window and wrote 42-42-564. They waited for a little longer and Lord Death finally appeared and looked at them.

"Heya! Aly and Mads! You completed collecting all 99 Kishin souls?" He asked the two females.

"Yes. We have." Maddie said enthusiastically while smiling brightly.

"Well then, all you need is kill a certain demon. There is one by the forest, but I'm telling you, it's very strong and vicious. If you failed on doing this then, all of the souls you've collected will be forfeited and I'll announce that Alyssa is a two star technician and Mads' partner." He said and Alyssa's widened her eyes and they nodded immediately. He disappeared and they headed to the forest. They saw a black haired girl with red streaks that reached her butt. She's wearing a black sleveless dress with red gloves that reached her elbows. She's also wearing black knee high boots. She look pretty beautiful herself.

"That's her..." Maddie whispered and they jumped out of their hiding spot. Alyssa and Maddie looked at the demon blankly. The demon looked at them with a confused expression.

"Hmm?" The demon hummed.

"Demon girl, Faltraita. Time to end this. Your soul is mine!"Alyssa said while kicking her and the demon crashed on a tree. The demon stood up and charged. Alyssa dodged and held Maddie's hand. Maddie transformed into a giant purple scythe. The dark killer scythe. Alyssa charged at the demon and they kept on fighting. Alyssa attacks and the demon kept on blocking.

"Ahhhh!" The demon screamed when claws appeared on her hands. She charged at Alyssa and she kept on dodging. Alyssa back flipped and cut the demon in half. It instantly died and Maddie transformed back to her human form. She ate the demon's soul with delight and sighed.

"All right!" They both said while fist bumping. They headed back to their home and got some sleep.

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