A fight with Stein and Sid?

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Alyssa Pov

It's a normal day at DWMA. Normal day cruel life. I'm always bullied by the other students. I don't want anyone to find out about me being the two star technician they've been talking about. Many students will be making friends with me for fame. Such plastics. Anyways, I went inside the classroom and sat beside Maddie. We pretended to not know each other so I won't blow my cover. A substitute teacher, Death Scythe or Spirit-sensei went inside our classroom.

"Ohayoù. I will be your substitute teacher for today. Soul, Maka, Alyssa, and Maddie. All of you are called by Lord Death at the Death room." He said and we nodded. We stood up and headed to the Death room. I stayed silent. Someone suddenly jumped down and stood in front of us. It's Black star and his weapon, Tsubaki.

"You guys got called as well?" Maka asked and they nodded. We all headed to Lord Death and we saw him inside his mirror.

"Ahh, there you are. I'd like to congratulate you Aly for completing your mission last night." He said and I looked at him and nodded. Good thing he didn't mention Maddie or else I'm done for. That's worth my thanks.

"Now, Maka and Soul, Black Star and Tsubaki, you guys have been failing your grades lately. You're not able to collect any souls at all. Total zero." He said and I got confused. Why would he call me and Maddie?

"I'll send you guys on a mission. You need to capture your ex-teacher, Sid. He became a zombie and his gravestone is at the graveyard of course. Capture him and Stein. The strongest student that ever graduated at Shibusen! If you failed, all of you will drop out." Lord Death said and Maka, Soul, and Tsubaki lost color. Black star laughed, Lord Death did his reaper chop on Black Star. Maddie and I sighed.

"Lord Death, sorry to intrude but, why did you call me?" I asked

"Me too." Maddie added

"Oh, because, I want to give you another---" I cut him off by pointing to Maka and the others.

"Oh right, Maka, Soul, Black Star, and Tsubaki, all of you are free to go." He said and they left. Maddie and I looked at Lord Death.

"You two will be spectating them. To see if they're good and deserves a passing grade." He said and we sighed then nodded. We exited the death room and headed back to E.A.T class. Why would 'we' do this kind of thing? Lord Death works in very mysterious ways.


Maddie and I are 'spectating' Maka and the others. We're sitting at a tree branch where they can't see or feel our presence. I gotta admit they fight well.

"I'm so hungry. Why did Lord Death told us to spectate them anyways?" I asked/whispered while crossing my arms and sat by a tree branch.

"I don't know but, I'm hungry as well." Maddie replied while sulking. She's friends with Black Star and Soul as well as their partners. I sighed and kept on watching them. Maka and Soul used Witch hunter but they messed up. Wow, how.....ironic. They finally captured Sid-sensei and we followed them towards Stein-sensei's office or something.

(Skip the fighting)

They managed to have a passing grade on Stein-sensei. They also managed to survive while fighting him!

"I gotta say, I'm impressed." Maddie said and I nodded while crossing my arms.

"Can we go now? I'm hungry." I whined while clutching my stomach. She nodded and we ran off. We ate at a restaurant and went home and drifted off to sleep.

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