Cool off?

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Kid Pov

I'm fighting The Immortal one when I suddenly saw Asura! He tried hitting me but I hit him. I suddenly felt my head ache.

Wait, Asura's not revived yet. This is not real. I'm just hallucinating.

I kept thinking of this as a hallucination and Asura disappeared. I sighed and saw the frog girl starting to run towards the bag. Black Star suddenly entered.

"Black Star! If I kept on directing to the bag he won't move! You go and stop the frog girl! I'll deal with him!" I said and he nodded

"And be careful! You might hallucinate!" I informed

"I won't hallucinate!" He yelled and charged at the frog girl. Instead of hitting the syringe he hit the seal! The black blood is injected! I stopped and looked at the bag. It's over. We lost. The bag started to form into a human and looked at the frog girl. Eruka I think. Asura suddenly screamed and Eruka did the same.

Asura stopped screaming and used his flesh for clothes. He flew up and left a big hole at the ceiling. Maka and Aly suddenly entered and Maka jumped down Aly's hoverboard. Aly chased after Asura.

Alyssa Pov

I flew towards Asura and was about to use Maddie but I suddenly felt light headed and my hoverboard disappeared and we fell. Darkness is all I can make out.


I woke up in my bed and I have bandages on my arms. My bracelet is sitting at my bedside table. I sighed and sat up. I wore my bracelet. I changed my clothes into a black knitted sweater and dark blue jeans. I also wore my black converse and my black fingerless gloves. I tied my hair into a high ponytail using my white ribbon and with my bangs fixed to the side. I exited my room and saw Maddie sitting by the couch.

"Aly!" She exclaimed and hugged me.

"You all right?" She asked and I smiled. I pulled away and nodded.

"Does your wound hurt?" She asked and I shook my head no.

"I already took off the bandages and I'm fine." I said and she nodded

"Well, the others said we'll play basketball later. Wanna play?" She asked

"Nah....I'll just watch." I said and she nodded. We went outside and headed to where we're supposed to meet.


All of us are at the basketball court and Maka and I are sitting at the bench. I'm using my phone reading wattpad.

"Maka, Aly, we need one more. Liz can't come. Who wants to play?" Soul asked

"Maka can go." I said

"What!? No! Aly will go." Maka argued and the others decided who to pick.

"We decided, Maka!" Black Star said and I smirked in victory. Maka sulked and walked towards them. The teams are Soul, Kid, and Tsubaki vs. Maka, Black Star, and Patty. Maddie is the referee. I watched them and chuckled when they had a little bet.

"The team captain of the losing team will be having a punishment." Soul said. This should be interesting.

"If we lose, the picture frames at Kid's home will be moved two centimeters to the right." Soul said and Kid widened his eyes. Maka suddenly laughed.

"Fine, if we lose Captain Maka will have a whole day date with his old man." Black Star said and Maka started rambling. I instantly knew that they want to play with Maka. I watched them and crossed my arms.

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