I need you. Stay with me?

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(Three weeks later)

Maddie Pov

Aly woke up about two weeks ago and when she found out that Soul's not awake yet, she shut herself out. She never left her room. It's locked. We tried using the keys but she casted a barrier around her room. I'm starting to worry. I knocked on her door and no one answered.

"Aly, I'm going to school now. Are you coming?" I asked nad no one responded. I sighed.

"I'll be going now. I hope I get to see you again." I said and left.


I arrived at the school and sat beside Maka.

"How's Aly?" She asked

"Same. She's not responding and her barrier is still casted around her room." I said and she nodded.

"Soul's still unconcious." She said and I nodded. All of us are down. No one from our gang or Ox's gang is smiling for the past three weeks.

"Maka?" We heard someone called and we looked up. We saw Flow.

"What?" Maka asked. She's not in the mood to talk neither am I.

"E-eto......is Soul all right?" She asked while blushing furiously and we got mad. She still wants to hit on Soul even if Aly is already his girflriend!?

"What do you think?" Maka asked coldly and Flow blushed harder. We looked back at the board and just stared at it. Dr. Stein entered the room.

"Maka and your group, Ox and your group, I have news." He said and we looked at him.

"Soul is awake." He said and we ran to the dispensary. We opened the door and saw Soul sitting up while rubbing his eyes.

"Soul!" All of us exclaimed and surrounded his bed. He looked at us and I bet he's looking for Aly. It's obvious in his eyes. Flow suddenly hugged him. I got angry but I held it in.

Soul Pov

Someone hugged me and I saw blue hair.

"I'm so worried." She whispered. This isn't Aly at all. It's Flow.

"Where's Blaze?" I asked and she pulled away then looked at me with her cheeks as red as a tomato.

"She's dead." Flow said and shock filled in me.

"What?" I asked in disbelief

"Idiot! No she's not!" Maddie yelled in anger.

"Then where is she?" Flow asked her while blushing furiously.

"She's at the mansion you dimwit! Don't just say things when you don't know the whole story!" Molly yelled and relief rushed in me. Why is she there? Don't they have class? Ox and his group went outside and the others looked at me.

"What happened to her?" I asked in all curiosity

"We don't know. She shut us out. She's not leaving her room. She casted a barrier around it so we know she's still alive." Kid explained

"I need to see her." I said while standing up. My body is full of bandages. Now I'm the one who looks like a mummy.

"All right. Maddie will help you to get here. We need to go back to class." Maka said and I nodded. She handed me a black v-neck shirt and I wore it. I'm only wearing my brown shorts that reached below my knees earlier. All of them left except for Maddie.

"Let's go?" Maddie asked and I nodded. She helped me up and I wore my black converse. We started heading to the mansion.


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