Maddie's past?

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Alyssa Pov

Ox is telling the other DWMA students about what happened yesterday. I don't care at all. What I'm thinking about is we lost. I can't believe it. I lost to Mosquito. I never lost at anyone before. Arachne. Why do you have to live? What am I feeling? Anger? Madness? The feelings I feel these past days after I passed that Shinigami exam. I gripped my crossed arms tighter. How can I defeat Arachne if we can't retrieve the demonic tool Brew from her servant? If only.....if only I'm strong. I'm so weak. Why? My parents and sister are very powerful. What about me? Why am I so different from them? Though, Anti-magic wavelength. I need to talk about that with Uncle Death. I need to know what that is. Mosquito mentioned that yesterday. It kept on bugging me lately. Kid is nowhere to be seen though. I'm guessing he's trying to find answers. My mind kept on thinking about one certain person......................................................................................................................................Arachne

Soul Pov

I looked at Aly who is looking deep in thought. I sighed. She's not herself eversince yesterday's battle. She's been awfully quiet lately. She's not even looking at us. Even at Maddie or Kid. That Mosquito guy really ticked her off. She's not even talking to me. Not even making eye contact to any of us.

Maka Pov

Grim Reaper. I managed to use the skill Aly did when we first encountered Crona. I need to practice that more with Soul. Alyssa.......she managed to control Genie hunter yesterday. She's so strong. I wonder if she's all right. She's been so quiet lately. It feels like she's shutting us out. Even Maddie. Is it because of the fight yesterday. I heard from Maddie that Alyssa never lost to an enemy before. She might be so depressed and mad for some reason. Even Black Star is depressed. They both have been in a really bad mood lately. Both of them never lost to anyone they face before. I hope this ends sooner. We need them for the battle with the Kishin. All of us need to work together.

Maddie Pov

Alyssa hasn't been herself. Even Black Star. Tsubaki and I are starting to worry. I know, Aly will be fine with or without me but I still care for her. She's like a sister to me eversince we partnered up. I want to return the favor. She's the reason I'm free from that witch. The reason I'm still alive and well. The reason why I kept on living. She already helped me too much. I can't afford seeing her like this. She's never this depressed and down before.

Flashback to 9 year old Maddie

I'm sitting inside my cell. Witch Flare killed everyone of my kind except for me. She didn't kill me since I'm still young and she wants power. She wants my blood. She's been keeping me in here for 4 years now. I know who my real parents are. My real family. My real friends. A small figure walked in front of my cell and I looked up to see who it is. It's a black haired girl who looked like my age. She's looking directly at me. She looks like she's been attacked. She's wearing a black t-shirt, white leggings, and grey ankle-high boots. Her hair is laying at her back. She's also wearing white fingerless gloves. I wonder why.

"You came here to torture me too?" I asked her with fear in my eyes and she shook her head.

"I'll let you free." She whispered while putting her hands behind her.

"Why?" I asked while tearing up. She smiled a closed mouth smile at me and held a thumbs up. Flare suddenly appeared behind her and held the girl's shoulders. The girl turned around and fought Flare. The girl killed Flare using her small hands. She stopped Flare's pulse. Smoke surrounded Flare's body and her purple soul floated. I watched in awe when a girl in the same age as mine could kill a witch. She took the keys and opened my cell.

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