New witch?

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Alyssa Pov

Sid-sensei is leading me to Crona's cell. He'll be a new student here at Shibusen. I hope he'll get used to people. Eh. He'll be fine.

"I tried to talk to him but all he said is "I want to see Alyssa"." Sid-sensei said and I nodded. We reached Crona's cell and I knocked.

"Crona, I'm coming in." I informed and I opened the cell door. I saw no one.

"Eh? Crona?" I asked in confusion.

"Alyssa" he said and I looked at the corner. I got shocked and walked towards him.

"Why are you there?" I asked

"I feel safer when I'm in a Cor-Ner." He stated and I sweatdropped. I helped him up and I smiled.

"You can call me Aly though." I said and he nodded.

"You'll be a new student here at Shibusen. Come on, I'll show you around." I said and was about to exit when Sid-sensei peeked his head.

"The blue guy! No please don't come any closer!" Crona pleaded and I sweatdropped. I pushed Sid-sensei out and waited for Crona to calm down.

After he calmed down I gave him a tour around the campus. I literally have to push him around. We stopped by a balcony and Crona admired the view.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I said to him and he nodded. We headed to the classroom where Maka and Soul are.

"So are you liking it here?" Soul asked. He's wearing a new outfit though. (The one at the series)

"This is not the place for me." Crona sulked and Maka comforted him.

"Hey, what about write a poem?" She suggested and Soul laughed. I got irritated and kicked him to the wall.

"Poems are what I do whenever I'm down." Maka continued and Crona nodded. They made a poem and Soul and I waited for them to finish. Once Crona is finished I walked up to him and read the poem.

'I'm Sorry for being born'

I lowered my head and gave the paper to Maka and sulked at a corner. Maka read the poem and she joined me in the corner. Black Star entered the room.

"Ahh, it is gloomy when Black Star is not around!" He said when he saw us sulking. Soul handed him the poem Crona made and sulked beside me. Soul read it and he sulked as well. Crona joined us and all of us are sulking.


Maka asked us to come with them on their mission on Teow Village. Maddie is driving the motorcycle and Crona is behind her. I drove my own motorcycle since there's no space and I don't want to use Flora at the moment. Maka and Soul shared their motorcycle. We parked our motorcycle and we tried getting information from the villagers but they said they don't know anything about the oldest golem.

"They're hiding something." Soul said and I crossed my arms then sighed.

"There is a chance that they're hiding something and there's another chance that they don't really know." I said and a man suddenly walked towards us.

"Hey! Are you here for the oldest golem the one who went berserk?" He asked us and we nodded. Ok, maybe they are hiding something.

"Follow me. I'm Giriko by the way." He said and we followed him. I got cautious and watched his movements and our surroundings.

"Are we there yet?" Soul asked

"We're almost there." Giriko said

"You've been saying that everytime I asked." Soul said and we stopped. I kept on looking at our surroundings.

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