Destroyer will find answers? How?

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(Three weeks later)

Destroyer Pov

I'm strolling around the streets when I saw a clothing that got my attention. I stopped and walked towards it. A white sleeveless shirt with a mint green tie, white fingerless gloves, mint green round skirt, a pair of white leggings, and mint green ankle-high boots. I don't really like shopping but these clothes really attracted my attention. Like it's my favorite color. Is it? I mean, I'm always attracted to color green, grey, and the shades of black and white. Maybe it is. Why can't I remember anything about my past? There must be an answer to all of my questions and mother is the only one who can tell me those answers but, she won't even talk about it. Everytime I asked she will just change the subject or something. My thoughts are cut off by the vendor of the shop.

"You like that one, dear?" The vendor asked and I smiled a fake smile.

"Yeah. How much is it?" I asked

"14.99." She said and I nodded then paid the lady. She put the clothes inside a paper bag and gave it to me.

"Thank you." I said and went back home. I suddenly sensed the same people's souls from yesterday. The one who attacked me and called me Aly three weeks ago. I just ignored them and went inside the house. Mother saw me and the paper bag I'm holding.

"You bought clothes, dear?" She asked and I nodded

"Yes mother. The clothes I bought suddenly caught my eyes." I explained and she smiled then nodded

"Go change, dear." She said and I nodded then went to my room and changed into my new clothes.

Soul Pov

We followed Aly back to her home and she entered. We peeked at the window and saw a girl with white hair and a black strapless gown.

"That must be Dreya." Maka whispered and we nodded.

"What now?" Liz asked.

"We'll go back to DWMA and report to father." Kid said

"Won't we take Aly or something?" Black Star asked

"No. We still need to figure out how to regain all of her memories. We need to be sure with our movements." Maddie said

"All right" Molly said and we memorized the way to Dreya's hideout. We headed back to the hotel and ate lunch there.

Destroyer Pov

I finished changing and I went to the living room. I saw mother staring into space. I'll go talk to these people. Maybe they can tell me. They did call me Aly. That name sounds so familiar.

"Mother?" I asked and she looked at me

"I'm gonna go kill some kishins." I said and she smiled then nodded.

"Be careful dear. There might be stalkers." She said and I nodded then went outside. I closed the door and used soul perception to find the souls of those people. I found their souls at a hotel. Weird, maybe they're tourists. I started heading towards the hotel using the hoverboard I have. I called it Flora. Don't know why but it just popped insde my head when I'm thinking for a name to name it.

I finally reached the hotel and I asked the guards.

"Excuse me but can you call a girl named Maka and her friends?" I asked one of the guards.

"All right miss. Please wait here." He said and I nodded. He went to get Maka and her friends. Five minutes later the guard came back with Maka and her friends trailing behind. They looked confused but when they saw me they widened their eyes.

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