The Future?

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Three years later

Alyssa Pov

All of us are so excited. Soul and I have been dating for four years now, Tsubaki and Black Star as well, Kid and Liz are three and a half, Maka and her boyfriend, Mike have been dating for two years. Maddie is dating a meister named James so they're partners now. Molly went to United States to live with her boyfriend, Wes. Soul and I are partners now since I'm weaponless and he's my boyfriend. We just figured out that he's a multi demon weapon so he's not just a scythe. All of us are graduating tomorrow. I'm so excited! Soul and I have been planning on going to London and we already bought a house there. He said he'll marry me when I'm ready. Maka and Mike will be having their own homes as well, Black Star and Tsubaki are moving to Tokyo, Japan. Maddie and James are moving to Russia. Kid and Liz will be staying here at Death City with Patty. All of us are grown ups already. I'll never forget these guys. They've been the best gang I would ever wish for. Right now all of us are hanging out here at the balcony at DWMA. All of us will live our own seperate lives starting tomorrow so this is the last time we hang out as students.

"You ready to leave for London, tomorrow?" Soul asked while wrapping his arm around me and I smiled then nodded.

"I'm gonna miss everything that happened here. It's the best day of my life of being a student." I said and he smirked then nodded.

"So everyone but Patty is taken now. Don't forget to invite us on your weddings." Maka said and we chuckled.

"Of course, Maka! You have to invite us too." I said and she smiled and leaned on Mike's shoulder.

"Three years ago only Tsubaki and I have boyfriends but now, all of us have relationships, except for Patty." I said and they chuckled.

"I'll get a boyfriend when I'm ready!" Patty exclaimed

"I'll miss this." Tsubaki said and we nodded.

"How about this. Every year all of us will go on vacaion together. No exceptions. If we ever get kids then let them join!" Liz said and we smiled then nodded.

"Sure! All our children will be attending DWMA when they grow up. Deal?" Maddie said and we nodded

"Tsubaki and my kid will surpass all of you! He will surpass god and he will be in the same league as me!" Black Star exclaimed and Tsubaki sweatdropped.

"We'll see about that. I am the strongest and top student of DWMA. I'm sure Soul and my child will be like me. Or Soul." I said and they chuckled.

"Come on! If our child will be like me then he or she will be super cool and will have a cool reputation in DWMA!" He exclaimed and we laughed and he kissed my cheek. Even if I'm allowed to have a kiss on the lips he doesn't want to take advantage of it. I'm so lucky to have him. He said that my first real kiss with him will be on our wedding day.

"I'm sure he or she will be." I said and he smirked.

"We need to go. All of us have to pack. All of us will be leaving tomorrow. Well, except for Liz, Patty, and Kid." James said and we nodded.

"Always keep in touch all right?" I said while standing up with Soul and they nodded then stood up as well.

"I'll miss you guys!" Maka exclaimed and made a group hug.

"I remember that time when I made an act and you thought I'll kill you guys." I said and they smiled.

"Yeah. That's a very beautiful memory. When you and Soul slept together for the first time." Kid said and we chuckled.

"Yeah. Yeah." Soul said and I pecked his cheek. All of us pulled away and the girls cried except for me.

"Aly!" They all exclaimed and hugged me. Ok a tear managed to escape my left eye.

"Now this brings back some memories." I said and the boys laughed.

"Why am I always the one getting squished!?" I complained and the boys laughed again. The girls kept on crying and hugging me.

"Always remember my nickname for you, Dragon girl!"

"Don't forget me bestie!"

"You'll cook food the next time we meet again!"

"We'll go book shopping again!"

"Black Star and I will have a double date with you and Soul again!"

All of them exclaimed and I smiled.

"Of.....course..." I said trying to catch my breath.

" children." I said and they hugged me tighter.

"You're the mother." Kid said

"Soul's the father." Black Star said

"And we're the uncles!" Kid, Black Star, James, and Mike said at the same time. The girls finally pulled away and I managed to catch my breath. Soul wrapped his arm around my shoulder then pecked my cheek.

"You'll be a great mother, someday." He whispered in my ear and I smiled.

"You'll be a cool father." I whispered back and he smirked then kissed my forehead.

"Time to go home, guys. See ya!" I exlcaimed and they smiled.

"You never said goodbye, Aly." Maka said

"Because I know all of us will see each other again." I said and they smiled then nodded.

"I'll walk you home, Blaze." Soul said and I nodded.

"Come on." Maddie said and we went back to our homes. James and Soul walked me and Maddie back to the mansion with Liz, Patty, and Kid.


We reached the mansion and Soul hugged me.

"Be ready for tomorrow, all right? We will have a fresh new start in London after graduating." He said and I nodded.

"Of course! I'll be ready. As long as I'm with you." I said and he smirked then kissed my forehead.

"Be careful, Evans." I said and he smirked then faced his left. I chuckled. He wants a kiss. I kissed his cheek and smiled at him.

"See ya, Blaze!" He said while walking back to ther apartment and I waved. We went inside the mansiom and Maddie and I started packing for tomorrow.

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