She's back but different?

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1 month later

Soul Pov

Today is the day Aly will come back! I'm so so excited. That no-good boyfriend of Maka dumped her in front of the whole school three days ago. I made sure he had a little souvenier from my fist. Anyways, me, Maka, Kid, Liz, Patty, Black Star, Crona, and Tsubaki are called to the death room. We knocked and entered the room. We saw Lord Death inside his mirror.

"You called us, Father?" Kid asked and Lord Death nodded.

"Aly will come back today and I want to tell you something." He said and we nodded

"Aly passed the test in being a grim reaper and now, she's one of me and Kid. However, she needs to pay the price. She exchanged her emotions for her to be a grim reaper. It means, she won't feel anything. Everything she felt on you guys before will disappear. Her emotions will be back when her true love made her feel that love again. Who's the boy she fell for before?" He asked and all of them looked at me and looked back at Lord Death.

"Soul." They all answered

"I see. You like her as well am I right Soul?" He asked and I nodded while blushing a bit.

"Great! If you really love her you can bring her emotions back. But, I'm telling's hard. Aly is an anti-social kind of person. She won't feel any love from any of you since her emotions are gone." He said and we nodded. I'll bring her back. Whatever it takes.

"Well then! You guys are dismissed. Go back to the classroom." He said and we exited the death room and went to the classroom. We sat at our usual spot by the middle and Kid saved a sit beside him for Aly. Stein-sensei entered with.....................Spirit!? I thought it's Aly!

"Well then! Before we start, we want to welcome a returned student. Please come inside." Stein-sensei said and finally Aly entered. She's wearing a grey sleeveless-knitted shirt, black round skirt, white leggings, black above the knee boots, black fingerless gloves, a gold wrist watch just above her left glove, and her same gold bracelet. Her hair is in the usual high ponytail with her bangs at the sides. Her hair is tied with a grey ribbon. She's holding her black flip-covered case phone and her grey notebook with a black pen.

"Welcome back, Aly!" All of us said and she nodded. Kid led her to her seat and she sat down and laid her things at the table. She's still as beautiful as ever.


Alyssa Pov

Class finally ended and the gang ran towards me. Maka, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, and Maddie hugged me all at the same time.

"Dragon girl!"

"I missed you!"

"Are you all right!?"

"You're not answering our calls and texts!"

"I'm so alone!"

"Congrats on passing the exam!"

"I'm fine." I replied and they finally released me.

"Aly, I'm so sorry for getting mad at you. I should've believed you about Crest being a playboy." Maka apologised

"It's fine Maka." I said.

"Aly, you and Maddie will move to our home. Father told me. You'll live with us from now on." Kid said and I nodded. Maddie went to move our things to Kid's house. I walked away from them then walked to the balcony. I leaned at the railing and looked at the city.

"Hey" I heard someone said and I turned around. It's Soul.

"Oh, Soul." I said and looked back at the city.

"You all right?" He asked while leaning at the railing beside me and I nodded.

"I'm fine." I said

"I missed you. You're not making contact with us." He said

"There's no signal at the place I went." I said while blinking

"I remember something about a Grande for you?" He said and I smiled a bit. Wait, smiled?

"Yeah. I remember that. When will you buy me that Grande anyways?" I asked

"How about now?" He asked and I nodded. We went to the Ice cream parlor and he ordered a Grande. We sat by a table and we sat across from each other.

"Thanks." I said while eating a spoonful of ice cream.

"No problem. So, how are you? You changed your outfit." He said and I chuckled. Wait, chuckled? What am I feeling?

"I'm good. Just became a reaper and nothing seem to change." I said and he chuckled.

"Really now? You gonna go at Kid's party later?" He asked

"Yeah. He said Maddie and I will move there. So my home will be sold." I explained and he nodded.

"Then you guys will live together then?" He asked and I nodded

"Cool" he said and I finished my Grande.

"When does the party start again?" I asked

"7:30 PM" he replied and I looked at my gold wrist watch. It's 7:20!

"We gotta go. Come on!" I said while grabbing his hand and exited the parlor. I summoned Flora and hopped in. Soul hopped in behind me and we went to the mansion.

We reached the mansion and I knocked in the door. Maddie answered it and hugged me.

"Maddie, you all right?" I asked her and she pulled away then nodded. She led us to the living room where the others are waiting.

Maddie Pov

She called me Maddie instead of Mads. Aly, why do you have to offer your emotions? I led them to the living room where Kid and the others are waiting. I sat beside Aly who looks like she's deep in thought.

"Aly" I called

No response

"Aly" I called a little louder

No response

"Aly!" I shouted and she snapped out of her thoughts then looked at me.

"Huh? What is it?" She asked and I sighed.

"Are you all right? You look like you have a problem." I said and she looked at the tv.

"I'm fine. Just thinking. That's all." She said and I sighed again and just nodded.

"Guys! Wanna watch a horror movie?" Liz suggested and we nodded.

Kid Pov

I told Liz to play Annabelle. We can try retreiving her fear. Fear is an emotion. I looked at Aly and her eyes looks a little scared. We watched the movie and soon enough Aly covered her eyes and started crying. Mission complete! Soul and Maddie comforted her and led her to her room.

"Great! The plan worked!" I exclaimed and the others looked confused.

"What do you mean?" Maka asked

"Her fear emotion is back. All we need now is joy, sadness, disgust, and anger." I said and they nodded.

"I know how to retreive her disgust!" Black Star exclaimed

"Excalibur" he said and all of us sweatdropped.

"It's worth the try." Crona said and we just nodded. Tomorrow.

"We'll go tomorrow. Prepare for it." I said and all of us sulked.

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