Single date or Double date?

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Tsubaki Pov

I'm making breakfast and Black Star is still sleeping. School won't start in three weeks so Black Star is taking the time to sleep in the morning. I'm still an early bird as usual. It's kind of a habit now. I made rice cakes and Oolong tea. I wonder how Alyssa is? Is she all right? She's fine. Kid is her cousin. He won't let a single evil soul touch her. I finished making the rice cakes and tea. I poured some tea in a cup and drank it slowly. I suddenly heard a door creaking and I looked at Black Star's door. I saw him rubbing his eyes. That's weird. He usually gets up by 12 noon. It's only 9:30.

"Ohayoù, Black Star." I said and he looked at me then smiled.

"Ohayoù, Tsubaki." He said and I smiled.

"Come, eat. There made rice cakes." I said and his eyes sparkled then he quickly sat across from me and ate the rice cakes I made.

"Tsubaki, are you free later? By 1:30?" He asked and I smiled then nodded

"Yeah. Why?" I asked curiously.

"Wanna go take a walk at the park with me? The cherry blossoms will bloom later by 3:30." He said and I smiled to cover my excitement. Is Black Star asking me on a date?

"So, it's like a date?" I asked quietly and he looked away

"Yeah. Kind of." He said

"Sure. I would love to, Black Star." I said and he smiled at me.

"Wear something normal. Don't dress into something formal. We're just having fun." He said and I nodded. I need to tell this to Aly and the other girls! I need their advice! What normal clothing will I wear? Normal. Like casual? Dressy? I need help!


I called Maka and the other girls over. Someone suddenly rang the door bell and I answered. It's Aly and the other girls. I pulled them to my room and locked it.

"I can't believe it! My dream came true!" I squeled and they smiled and chuckled.

"So what will you wear?" Maddie asked

"Black Star said something normal." I said and they smiled except for Aly.

"We need make up, nail polish, and dresses. Chop chop!" Maddie said and they started rambling around. Aly walked towards me then smiled.

"The most beautiful thing a girl would wear is a smile on her face." She said and I smiled

"Arigatò Aly." I said and she smiled at me then raised a thumbs up. The girls started dressing me and Aly stood there watching the girls paint my nails, put pounds of make up, and dress me.


I'm wearing a green sleeveless dress that reached my knees and white five inch heels. My nails are painted green and I have mascara, blush on, and so much more make up.

"Uhmmmm guys, no offense but--" Aly bit her lip.

"But?" We asked

"Ughh........she looks like a clown with that much make up. Can you atleast lessen it?" She suggested

"Sure. You are girl who is beautiful without make up. I'm sure Tsubaki here is like you." Maddie said while lessening my make up and Aly chuckled.

"Of course Tsubaki is a beautiful girl with or without make up. I know Black Star's taste. He doesn't like too much make up." Aly said

"How did you know?" I asked and she scratched the back of her neck.

"Eh-heh. Soul told me. And besides, Black Star is a buddy of mine." She said and I smiled.

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