Resonating souls?

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Alyssa Pov

All of us are in class and Stein-sensei is teaching us about Duel Arts to be prepared for Arachne. Black Star is late again so Stein-sensei made him stay outside the classroom.

"The following students please go here in front." Stein-sensei started

"Ox Harvar pair, Maka and Soul, and Black Star, Come inside!" Stein-sensei said and Black Star entered while wiping his forehead full of sweat.

"All of you will attack me. You will learn how to resonate your souls with one another. Black Star will be unarmed since you'll destroy the classroom if you did." Stein-sensei said

"Attack me any way you want. This is your first try." He continued and Black Star tried to punch him. Ox used his weapon but Black Star got shot.

"There's no cooperation at all." I said with my arms crossed and Kid and his partners nodded. I'm sitting beside Maddie who is sitting beside Patty. Maka suddenly hit Black Star accidentaly and sent him flying towards the front.

"What are you doing Maka!?" Black Star asked in frustration

"My bad" Maka said and Ox shot them both. The class laughed and I sighed

"Eeshh." Kid said

"Go back to your seats. Kid and Aly, come down with your weapons. You can use them since you can control them." He said and we went down.

"Same rule applies." He said and we nodded. Maddie turned into her scythe form and Liz and Patty transformed into handguns.

"Kid, you have long range weapons so stay back. Aim at Stein-sensei. I'll attack closely." I said and he nodded. I started attacking Stein-sensei and kicked him. He landed to the floor and I leaned the blade at his neck and Kid focused on Stein-sensei's body.

"Great. This is the teamwork I'm talking about. If I made a move Kid can attack and if I didn't Aly can kill me any second. Great job you two, you can head back to your seats." He said and we nodded. Our weapons transformed back and we sat back down to our seats.

"That's awesome!" Maka and Tsubaki exclaimed

"You guys can do it as well. You just need teamwork." I said and they sulked

"Can you team up with Black Star then?" Stein-sensei asked us and Kid and I looked at each other. We looked at Stein-sensei and nodded

"Demonstrate." He said and we stood up with Black Star. Our weapons transformed and Black Star tried hitting the professor. I watched Black Star's movements and nodded at Kid. He nodded back and aimed his weapons at professor. I smiled a bit in amusement.

"Black Star! Keep punching!" I commanded.

"I don't need orders!" Black Star yelled. I stood behind Stein and aimed Maddie in her scythe form at him. Black Star stopped punching and I kicked Stein-sensei without him knowing. I leaned Maddie at his neck and Black Star readied his fists. Kid aimed at Stein-sensei's head.

"How come you two can team up with Black Star?" Stein-sensei asked

"Dunno." All three of us said. He smiled

"You may go back to your seats." He said and our weapons transformed back. All of us fist bumped and sat back on our seats.

"That's so cool. You can resonate your souls with Black Star." Soul said and I leaned my elbows to the table.


Stein-sensei told our group to resonate our souls at the forest near DWMA and he watched us. All of our weapons are in weapon form. I connected my soul to Kid and then to Maka. We connected our soul to Black Star but it didn't work.

"Try again." Stein-sensei said and we tried again but it didn't work for the second time. Stein-sensei sighed

"Work it out. Let's have a little break." He said and out weapons turned back to their human forms. Maka and Black Star suddenly started fighting. Maka tried hitting Black Star but he caught her fist and flipped her.

"You two! Stop it! Or else." I warned and they glared at me.

"Or else what!?" They asked angrily I lifted their heads and slammed them to a tree.

"What did you two say?" I asked in my dark voice.

"Gomenè, they both said and I released them. Maka ran away while screaming.

"Tsubaki." Black Star said and she nodded. She went after Maka and I followed. We saw her sitting by a terrace and we joined her. We started talking to her and we eventually got her convinced. She dragged us towards them but suddenly stopped. Tsubaki started dragging her towards the others instead.

"Maka, a minute ago you're so hyped up. What happened?" I asked her while folding my arms together.

"What will I say?" She asked while anime crying.

"Well, you two will keep on fighting anyways so don't say anything." Tsubaki said and Soul stood in front of us. Maka stood up straight.

"What? You're gonna laugh at me?" Maka asked irritatingly

"I'll laugh later when we passed. It will be cooler that way." He said and led the way back. I looked at Soul and saw him looking at me from the corner of his eye. I looked away trying to avoid his gaze. I suddenly felt like butterflies in my stomach. Maybe I ate butterflies earlier. But I don't recall doing that. Oh well. All of us went back and our weapons turned into their weapon form. Kid and I connected souls and instead of Maka, we connected souls with Black Star. We then connected souls to Maka and finally, we succeded. Our souls became one and it grew bigger.

"It's a little rough, but you passed. Good job." Stein-sensei said and I smiled.

"The leader is...........Aly." he said


Maka invited us to eat dinner at their home and we agreed. She said Soul will be cooking so this will be interesting. We went inside and sat by the living room. Soul started to cook and Maka arranged the table.

"This house is still as symmetrical as ever." Kid admired and his partners sulked. Maddie and I played on our phones. We had a multiplayer game. I wore my white earphones for awesome effects and we started playing.

"You're so gonna lose Aly!" I heard Maddie say

"In your dreams." I said and we heard the others laugh at our actions. Eh, whatevs.

"Dinner's ready!" We heard Soul call and we shut our phones off. We headed to the dining table and ate the food Soul made. For a boy he's good at cooking.

"Wow! This is awesome!" Maddie and Patty exclaimed and I nodded.

"It's nothing special." Soul said and I kept on eating.

"For a boy, you're good at cooking." Tsubaki said. After we ate we all sat back at the living room.

"Guys, Maddie and I gotta go home. See ya after two days." I said and they waved and said see ya. Maddie and I headed back home and got some sleep.

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