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Alyssa Pov

Kid and the others blind folded me and led me somewhere I don't know. Kid is riding his Beelzebub with me behind him. I'm guessing the others are following us. He suddenly stopped and flew up!

"Woah! What's happening?" I asked him

"We're just flying up. Don't worry. The others are behind us." He said and I nodded. He finally landed and I felt him jump down his Beelzebub. He helped me jump down and I finally felt the ground. Wait, this atmosphere.

"Good. All of us are here." I heard Maka said

"This scent. Don't tell me....." I said while taking my blind fold off. This is Excalibur's place!

"What the! Why did you bring me here!?" I panicked while summoning Flora. I tried escaping but Kid grabbed my wrists.

"Aly, we have to go." He said and I refused.

"No! That excalibur dude is so gonna piss me off!" I protested and they pushed me to the sword. Soul and Maddie held my arms and Maka pulled Excalibur. He appeared and I sulked.

"Disgusting!" I yelled and broke away from their grip and punched Excalibur.

"Ouch!" He yelled our while rubbing his head.

"Why did you bring me here!?" I asked furiously.

"We just wanna pay a visit." Tsubaki said

"Pay a visit my face." I said while grabbing excalibur. He changed back into a sword and I stabbed him back to the ice. I made sure he's stuck there. All of them sweatdropped and I narrowed my eyes.

"Let's go." I said and used Flora to get out of that place. I sat at it using it like a witch's broom.

"Aly!" They all yelled

"What!?" I asked them not even bothering to look.

"Kishins!" They yelled and I looked below them. Kishins are surrounding them. I sighed and jumped down.

"Maddie!" I said and she transformed into a handgun. I shot the kishins and they died. Soul and the other weapons ate the souls. Flora landed down beside me and I hopped back in. Maddie transformed back into human form and suddenly hugged me.

"I missed that!" She exclaimed and I sighed. She pulled away and we headed back to Death city. What's that feeling earlier? Disgust? Anger? This is so confusing!

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