Why are you doing this?

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Alyssa Pov

Lady Arachne called me and I wore my coat and headed to her web.

"Yes, Lady Arachne?" I asked her in a servant's tone

"I want you to give some cuts on Maka and the others. If you failed you will be executed." She said and I nodded

"As you wish, Lady Arachne." I said and headed to DWMA. My eyes changed red because I want it to be red when I fight them.

Soul Pov

All of us are in the death room, talking to Lord Death.

"I know you'll disagree to this but, Alyssa is in Death City looking for you. I need you to fight her and capture her." Lord Death said and all of us nodded. We can't do anything so we just nodded. We headed outside and us weapons turned into our weapon forms. Maddie changed her arms into machine guns. We waited for Alyssa to arrive at the entrance. Soon enough, we saw someone in black walking towards us. Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, and my reflections appeared on the shiny part of our weapon.

"Alyssa!" All of us exclaimed

"Long time no see." She said while looking up at us with a blank face.

"Why!?" Black Star asked loudly

"Why?" Alyssa asked back in confusion

"Why did you join them!?" Maka asked while gripping me tightly. She just chuckled.

"Gomenè Alyssa, but we have no choice." Kid said and attacked. All of us attacked her at the same time in different directions but she jumped and we ended up hitting each other.

"Arrgghh! That's it! Alyssa! I'm supposed to be your God! No one surpasses me! You'll do as I say!" Black Star yelled and tried attacking Alyssa but she blocked Black Star's attack with only one arm.

"Mission before myself." I heard her say. She summoned a giant fan and hit us. We crashed to the ground and she changed her fan into a Death Scythe! What the....

"No mercy" she whispered and striked at us. All of us are full of cuts. All of us weapons changed back into our human forms

"Mission complete." She said and used her hoverboard to fly away. I helped Maka and Maddie.

"That can't be her." Maddie whispered

"Yeah, she's not like that at all." I said. All of us went to the dispensary and the nurse took care of our wounds. Alyssa, that's not her. She can't be. Her eyes are different. She can't be. This isn't true. Stein-sensei and the other death scythes visited us.

"She's strong with or without Maddie. That girl is a monster." Spirit said and we got angry. We all glared at him with anger.

"She's not a monster!" All of us yelled at him and they sweatdropped

"That's not her! Her eyes are different! It's red and it looked sad and sorry!" I yelled

"Soul....." Maka trailed off

"That's not her. I'm telling you." I said while lowering my head. That's not her. That's not her.

Alyssa Pov

When I looked at Soul I swear my heart pounded. I felt sad and sorry. But I have to do this. It's the only way. I went to Arachne's web and she's smiling at me.

"Very good Alyssa. You've done a great job. I want you to be my personal guard. Is that clear?" She asked and I smirked

"It would be my pleasure, Lady Arachne." I said while bowing down.

"You may go and strengthen yourself. Be sure to get back by 10:00 PM." She said and I nodded and killed kishins and witches. She doesn't care if I killed witches. Everytime I kill a kishin or a witch, my mind always think of someone. Soul....

Soul Pov

All of us are gonna sleep here at the dispensary since we can't move around too much. All of us are wrapped in bandages.

"Alyssa is incredible." Crona said

"Is she really evil?" Maka asked

"No. Like what Soul said. It's not her. Her soul, there's something I saw in her soul but when I was about to look at it closer, it suddenly faded." Kid said and I kept my eyes shut. Alyssa........

"If only she knew that we really wanted to be her friend." Black Star said

"Why did Lord Death told us to do that anyways?" Tsubaki asked

"So she can be on our side, but she already is. Now, she's gone because of that plan." Liz said while blinking

"To lighten the mood, I wanna know more about Soul's feelings for her." Kid said and the others smirked. I can feel my face turn red.

"Soul~~~" they said in a singing tone.

"What?" I asked

"What do you mean 'what'?" Maka asked while smirking at me.

"Fine. Yes, I like her. I have eversince the day we became her friends." I confessed

"Awee! Little Soul is growing up!" Black Star teased

"Urusaì!" I said and they laughed

"Don't worry Soul. I have a feeling she's doing this because of something important." Maddie said and I smiled

"Yeah. Alyssa's not like that at all. Her soul is heart warming when I encountered her on our last battle with each other." Crona said and Ragnarok appeared behind Crona.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but, she's nice. She made me and Crona feel like we're part of a family." Ragnarok said

"Alyssa really changed us huh?" I asked and they nodded

"I just wish she'll come back now." I said

"If she ever comes back, will you confess to her?" Maka asked while smirking. I looked away.

"Maybe." I said and they giggled. Alyssa's voice suddenly erupted on my ear.

You need to sleep Soul. As well as the others

I looked around to see if Alyssa's here.

"Did you hear that?" I asked them and they got confused

"What?" They asked

"Alyssa" I said and they shook their head no and I sighed

"Anyways, we should get some rest. Oyasumì." I said while laying down. I heard a chorus of Oyasumìs and I drifted off to sleep.

Alyssa Pov

After I killed some kishins and witches I headed back to Arachne's lair and walked to her web.

"Lady Arachne, I'm done killing. May I go to sleep?" I asked her and she nodded

"You need rest, child. Oyasumì" she said ad I nidded then headed to my room. I layed in my bed and drifted off to sleep in a flash.

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