Will you defeat the Kishin, Asura?

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Alyssa Pov

We're already inside Arachnophobia's territory. Maddie and Molly are in Weapon combination mode and Soul is in his weapon form. Maka and I are trying to regroup with Black Star and Kid but all we can see are trees and rocks. No DWMA students, administrators, death scythes, or teachers. The ground suddenly shook and we stopped. I summoned Flora and hopped in then flew up.

"Maka, Soul, stay there." I said while flying up and I suddenly saw...............Death City!? With arms and legs!? This is crazy! Uncle Death must've used the wish Eibon gave him.

"Death City!?" Molly and Maddie yelled and I sweatdropped.

"Does this mean everything in Death City will be asymmetrical?" I asked and Maddie and Molly nodded through their reflection. I laughed.

"Hhahahahahahah" I laughed

"Eh? Why are you laughing Aly?" Maddie asked

"I can't wait to see the look on Kid's face when this is over!" I exclaimed and laughed again.

"Sheesh. You're thinking about that at a time like this?" Molly asked

"Hey! You only live once so enjoy it even if we're under circumstances like this." I said and they both sweatdropped.

"Aly! What's going on!?" Maka asked me

"Death City has finally arrived!" I yelled and flew back down.

"Hop in." I said and she hopped in Flora with a confuse face. I flew up then pointed to Death city and she looked at where I'm pointing.

"Eh!?" Soul and her asked in disbelief. A giant robotic spider suddenly appeared and attacked Death City. I'm thinking Uncle Death is using it because the way he attack is so......childish.

"Uncle Death is controlling Death City." I explained and Maka nodded.

"Eye Poke!" Uncle Death yelled and poked the spider's eyes. I sweatdropped along with Maka and our weapons.

"Seriously?" We all asked. One of Uncle Death's fingers got inside the spider and took the kishin from Arachne. Death City suddenly swallowed the kishin!?

"Eh!? Seriously!?" We all asked/yelled

"Let's go find Black Star and Tsubaki." I said while flying.

Kid Pov

The kishin landed here inside the Death room where Father is waiting for him. Spirit is in his death scythe mode and Father is holding him. Azusa-sensei and I hid from them and Liz and Patty transformed into their pistol forms.

"We need to stay low and let them fight." Azusa-sensei said and I just nodded. Father, be careful. Father suddenly snapped and resonated souls with Spirit.

"SOUL RESONANCE! They yelled and Spirit transformed into..............Kishin Hunter!? What great power.

"KISHIN HUNTER!" Father yelled and made some injuries on Asura but he's still moving. This is an intense battle between gods. Asura suddenly directed his mouth with a weapon towards us and shoot. Father quickly came down and protected us. He took the blow. All of us hit the floor with debris.

"F-father." I stuttered while standing up weakly. I saw Azusa-sensei on the floor almost unconcious, Excalibur with his eyes closed, Spirit laying on the floor full of debris. Where's father? I looked for him and I found him laying on the floor. Half of his mask is destroyed. His cloak have some holes.

"No." I whispered and kneeled beside him. I dropped Liz and Patty and held father's masked face. Asura retreated back to Arachne's castle but I don't care. Father is barely alive and it's my fault. Tears started to flow down my cheeks.

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