Fallen to the wrong hands?

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Alyssa Pov

The others are called to the death room except for me. I sneaked in and heard their conversation. Why would Lord Death call all of them and not me?

"I see you've grown close to Alyssa. Good job. Now she's on our side. The mission on befriending Alyssa is accomplished." Lord Death said. They never meant to be friends with me. Even Maddie. It's just a mission.

"Alyssa....." I heard Maka said and I stepped out of my hiding spot. They saw me and widened their eyes.

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted anyone. To think, my partner is just toying with me as well." I said while letting my bangs cover my eyes.

"No, Aly, we didn't----" I cut Soul off

"Don't call me Aly." I said in my dark voice.

"I'll leave DWMA, Lord Death." I said and walked out. The others ran towards me and tried stopping me.

"No! Aly, we reall---" I cut Black Star off

"I said don't call me that!" I yelled and ran away. I used Flora (her hoverboard) to go back to our house. I took my phone, money, and my picture of my family. I wore my black coat that I always use when I'm going on missions. I went to a mountain where only I go. Nobody ever goes to this mountain. Not even witches.

Soul Pov

I punched one of the pillars of DWMA's entrance. Aly......we always wanted to be friends with you. If only you know what I feel.

"Argghh!" I yelled in frustration

"Soul calm down" Maka said

"Calm down? Alyssa just left DWMA. You think I can calm down?" I asked her and she looked shock.

"You like her don't you?" She asked me

"What if I do?" I asked while looking away with a faint blush.

"Soul, don't worry. She'll come back. She has to." Maddie said

"Stein-sensei and the other death scythes are already looking for her." Kid said

"THE ALMIGHTY BLACK STAR JUST LOST A FRIEND! I MUST HELP SEARCHING FOR HER!" Black Star said and Maka did her infamous Maka chop on him.

"This is a problem. If she joined Arachne and Medusa this will be bad. We'll face someone far stronger than us." Liz said

"No. She'll never join them. Medusa killed her family remember?" I reminded

"You have a point." Maka said

"Let's just head to class. We'll figure this out later." Tsubaki said and we headed to class. I can't get Alyssa's face off of my head. Is she all right? I hope she's fine.

(Arachne's lair)

Alyssa Pov

"You know, I can revive your parents." Medusa said and that sent me to shock. I looked up at them and sighed.

"I'll join." I said with a hint of desperation.

"So you're saying you want to join me and defeat DWMA and we'll revive your family?" Lady Arachne asked with a smirk and I nodded. Medusa is beside her.

"What are your powers?" She asked me

"Meister, Weapon, and Assassin. I can summon weapons and use them." I said while summoning a katana. She smiled evilly.

"Can I trust you on this?" Lady Arachne asked and I smirked

"With all your heart Lady Arachne." I said while making my weapon disappear. They both smiled evilly

"Very well. I shall grant your wish. If we succeed on defeating DWMA we'll revive your family." Lady Arachne said. I nodded in response. They won't know what's coming.

Soul Pov

Lord Death called us to the death room for some important news. We entered and we saw Lord death beside his mirror. Stein-sensei and the other death scythes are with him.

"You called us Father?" Kid asked politely

"Yes. I have." Lord Death said seriously. That's weird. He's always a happy-go-lucky kind of reaper.

"What's the important news?" I asked

"I have something to ask first. Do you think it's good or bad?" He asked

"Good." We all said

"Wrong. It's bad." Marie said

"What is it then?" Tsubaki asked

"It's about Aly." Stein-sensei said

"What happened!? Is she all right?" I asked in panic

"Yes. She's fine but, she joined Medusa and Arachne." Lord Death said and all of our eyes widened.

"No. No. You're lying." I said in disbelief

"Sorry Soul, but it's true. We figured out that she's not just a meister but a weapon and an assassin as well. She's got greater power." Justin said

"No. No. If she's one of those then she would've told me!" Maddie said

"It's her deepest secret." Azusa-sensei said

"Why? Why did she join them? Medusa's the one who killed her family!" Black Star said

"She.....she....." I tried saying something.

"This can't be true." Patty whispered

"There's nothing we can do about it. All we can do is strengthen all of you. You're the only ones who can defeat her." Lord Death said

"What did she tell you? About her family?" Stein-sensei asked

"She told us.....that Medusa killed her family. The dolls her sister and mother owned killed them. We just knew that last night. When we're having a movie night." I explained

"We can use that against her." Spirit said

"What!? No! She suffered enough pain already!" Crona protested

"If we want to bring her back we need to do it." Justin said

"No. No. No." I whispered while looking down and gripping my hair.

"Dragon girl......" Patty trailed off. This can't be happening.

Alyssa Pov

I sighed when I laid down my new bed. DWMA and Arachne. Just wait.....you'll see what I'm doing. I smiled and fell asleep.

Soul Pov

Maka and I headed back to our home and I went inside my room. I punched my door in frustration. Aly.................why did she do this? There has to be an explanation. She'll never join Arachne and Medusa. Arrggghh! If only.......if only I haven't fallen for her. She won't be a problem to me. But I already confirmed my feelings for her. I like her. No, I love her.

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