Can you retrieve the demonic tool, BREW?

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Alyssa Pov

Uncle Death sent me, Maddie, Maka, Soul, Kid, Black Star, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, Kilik with his weapons, Ox and his weapon, Kim, and Jacqueline on a mission to retrieve the Demonic tool BREW at the Lost Island. I'm wearing black jeans, black sweater, grey winter coat, white winter boots, and my grey fingerless gloves. Maddie is on her scythe mode and I'm holding her.

We jumped out of the boat and landed on the ground. We walked to the field where the demonic tool BREW is located. We finally reached it and Marie-sensei and Stein-sensei started explaining the plan. They told us that they could only last 20 minutes inside the field so they better hurry.

"We'll be back no longer than five minutes." Marie-sensei and Stein-sensei said while entering the field. It looks like a purple tornado that stays at the same spot. You can only stay there in twenty minutes. That's the time limit. If you stayed there any longer, you'll die. They disappeared and soon enough I can't sense their soul wavelengths. Something's wrong. How did they disappear?

"They've been gone longer than five minutes." I said

"I can't sense their soul wavelengths as well." I continued and Maka nodded

"We should go follow them." Kid said and I nodded. I suddenly sensed a shuriken flying towards Maka and I blocked it using Maddie's blade. Enemies detected us and started to attack. Ox, Kilik, and Kim attacked the enemies.

"You guys go! We'll deal with them!" Ox said while attacking and we nodded. Kilik and Kim started attacking as well.

"I gotta admit, Ox's weapon is cool." I said while turning to the field.

"Let's go." Maka said and we entered the field. We appeared on what seems like the pyramid the witches made in this lost island before.

"Hey guys!" Maka said while pointing up. We saw Uncle Death!?

"What?" Black Star asked and Uncle Death went inside the pyramid.

"Let's go inside the pyramid." Kid said and we nodded. We walked by the pathway and we soon saw witches. They're glitching.

"I think this is an image of what happened 800 years ago. When this place blew up." I said and they nodded.

"The witches doesn't recognize or feel our presence." Kid said and I nodded. We walked again and soon enough, we saw Stein-sensei and Marie-sensei leaning by a pillar. We ran towards them while trying to get their attention.

"Stein-sensei! Marie-sensei!" Maka yelled and they looked at us. We finally reached them and the others panted.

"Why are you here?" Marie-sensei asked. They're starting to glitch.

"We'll go and get the demonic tool. You need to go back. You're starting to glitch." I said and she sighed.

"Fine." She said and carried Stein-sensei. We headed to the pyramid but we suddenly saw a little man. Mosquito.....he turned to us and smirked when his eyes landed on me.

"Great to see you Aly." He said and I scoffed

"You see, you almost had us fooled. But thanks to my intelligence. Lady Arachne us alive and well right now." He said and I froze. That explains it. But who did I kill that time? A decoy? No. It has a soul. But the soul is odd. It tasted weird.

"Th-that's why that soul tastes odd." I said while gripping Maddie tightly. He smirked in amusement.

"Give us that demonic tool now. Or else..." Kid threathened. Mosquito put the demonic tool in his hat and transformed into his 100 year old body. He said he also had a 400 year old body.

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