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Black Star Pov

Tsubaki and I are walking by the halls when we saw Hero being the slave he is. We stopped in front of him.

"Oh, Black Star you need something?" He asked and I shook my head no

"I'M THE ALMIGHTY BLACK STAR! I DON'T NEED ANYTHING!" I yelled in my godly voice. Tsubaki and I passed him and kept on walking. Tomorrow is the day Aly and Mads are heading back. I'm so gonna beat Aly and kick her butt!

(The next day)

Black Star Pov

Tsubaki and I are walking up to DWMA and when we reached the top we saw Excalibur!? With Hero!? Hero became......a bully of some sort. Who cares!?

"Ehh Hero? What're you doing?" Tsubaki asked

"This is my rebirth. Black Star and Tsubaki. Nobody can defeat me now. I'll never be a slave again now that Excalibur is with me." Hero said while doing a pose.


"You want to test my power, Black Star?" He asked in a mocking tone and I nodded while smirking.

"I want to test it out as well. I wanna know the power of the holy sword." A DWMA student said. Kilik and his partners.

"Me too." Kid said

"Hahahaha lame alien!" Patty laughed while pointing to Excalibur. It changed into his weapon form and Hero grew wings. All of us attacked but we lost! I can't believe it! A man like me cannot surpass this servant!? Hero smirked and Excalibur changed back. The other DWMA students started praising Hero. Kid and I along with our partners just headed back to the classroom with our heads down.

Alyssa Pov

"Thank you Aly and Mads for completing this mission." Lord Death thanked and we nodded. We're inside the death room reporting our mission yesterday.

"Did you know that a DWMA student is the partner of the holy sword?" He asked and Mads and I made a disgusted face.

"Eewwww" we both said

"Can we beat him up?" I asked while lifting my fist.

"Sure. If you can. Anyways, you're dismissed." He said and we nodded and headed to the classroom. When we entered we saw Excalibur in his five hour storytime. Maddie and I exited as soon as possible. We saw Black Star and the others outside in a circle. We walked up to them.

"Aly! Mads!" They yelled and the girls hugged us.

"I really wish our mission is a lifetime." I said when they pulled away and I made a disgusted face while looking at the classroom where Excalibur is telling stories.

"Ehhh why?" They asked

"That stupid Excalibur is here! You think that's good!?" Mads and I rambled

"Tell us, how did you guys know that's he's annoying?" Kid asked

"It's about 13 years ago. When I'm still 3 years old. My sister and I went to his place. I just accompanied my sister since she wants me to see it. When she pulled it out Excalibur started rambling about his rules and story times. My sister placed it back where it belongs and headed back home. He kept on bugging our lives for three years." I said and they sweatdropped

"I'm so gonna kick that partner's butt." I said with a clenched fist.

"Please, be our guest. His name is Hero." Liz said

"Ohhhh him." I said while making a disgusted face again

"He's one of the bullies who bullied me before. He said that I'm lower than him so he bullied me for revenge since he's like a slave and all." I said and they sweatdropped

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