Demon Sword, Crona?

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Alyssa Pov

Maddie is driving the motorcycle and I'm sitting behind her. Soul and Maka are beside us in a different motorcycle.

"Aly, let's eat pasta! We are in Italy after all!" Maddie happily said and I sighed and closed my book.

"After we get information." I said and she nodded

"How can you do that?" Maka asked me

"Do what?" I asked back

"That. You can tell Maddie that you guys can eat later and she'll just agree." She said

"Because, she knows I'm hungry as well. She wouldn't want to argue with me if I'm hungry. Besides, mission before yourself and both of us are girls." I stated and she smiled and nodded. Soul and Maddie parked the motorcycles and we walked around to find information. Soul accidentally shoved a big guy's hand and he apologised.

"Gomenè." He apologised but the man pulled his shirt.

"What did I do?" Soul asked boredly while blinking

"Wat*cha thinkin, wiff dat attitude?" The man asked him rudely and Maddie chuckled quietly.

"Don't you know who yer *friggin* dealin' wiff, punk?" The man asked again

"You suck at saying your lines, I can barely understand you." Soul said boredly

"Wha'd ya say kid?" Another man asked and soon enough we're surrounded by big guys.

"Everythin' in dis town belongs to da Materrazi! You'd better remember dat!" The man who's holding Soul said

"Like I care." Soul said and Maka exited the commotion. The men looked at me and smirked

"Hmm? Sheems like there's a cutie here. Why'd don't we flay wiff her?" One of them asked and I got irritated

"I wouldn't say that if I were you." Maddie said while backing away.

"Did you just called me cutie?" I spat at him while looking down, letting my bangs cast shadows on my eyes.

"Ye like that'd? Cutie?" He mocked and I got angry. Soul and I took them all out and we walked with Maka and Maddie again.

"Idiots" I said and Maddie laughed quietly. I glared at her and she shut up.


After we got information and ate so many italian dishes, Maddie and I went to hunt down Johnson Lee and someone called Demon sword. They said he's called that because he is the weilder of the demon sword or something like that. Maddie and I found Johnson Lee and landed in front of him.

"Hmm?" He hummed

"Mads..." I said and she nodded.

"Johnson Lee. Your days of killing and eating souls are over. Your soul is mine." I said in my dark voice and charged at Johnson and Maddie observed his movements. She's trying to know Johnson's strategies and weaknesses. I kicked his sides and he yelped in pain.

"Aly!" Maddie called and I nodded. She transformed into her Scythe form and I aimed at Johnson's sides. I slashed him in half and he died.

"Ok, let's find Demon sword." I said when Maddie transformed back and ate Johnson's soul. She nodded and I sensed three souls at a church. I got curious because one of them is barely alive and one of them is stronger than the other two. I narrowed my eyebrows.

"Mads........." I said and she nodded. We ran towards the church.

Maka Pov

Soul just got slashed by Crona and I'm holding him. He's unconcious. I prepared for the demon sword's final blow but it never came. Instead, a blade passed through the door and slashed Crona. He jumped backwards and Alyssa and Maddie entered the church. They saw us and Maddie sat beside Soul.

"He's barely alive. We need to heal him immediately. But, we still need to finish the mission." Alyssa said while looking at Crona.

"No! Alyssa, Crona's too strong." I warned and she nodded

"So his name is Crona, huh? I'll be fine, Maka. Mads is with me." She said and Maddie stood up then stood beside Alyssa.

"Mads..." she said and she nodded. Alyssa charged at Crona and Maddie just stood there watching Alyssa and Crona fight.

"What are you doing, Maddie!?" I asked in panic. Alyssa might die!

"Relax. You'll know what we're doing later." She stated calmly and I just looked at her with wide eyes.

"That's it." She whispered when Alyssa kicked Crona at his chest and coughed out black blood.

"Maka, what else did you observe when you fought him?" Maddie asked me seriously

"His main weapon is his blood and I can't slash him because he hardens the blood in him and the blood vessels protects his body." I said and she nodded

"Aly!" She yelled and Alyssa nodded. She jumped back and transformed into a scythe. The demon hunter scythe! Alyssa slashed Crona at impossible speed. They look like they're dancing. So this is the power of a two star technician and her two star weapon. Crona coughed out black blood and Stein-sensei and Papa entered the church. Stein-sensei and Papa took care of Soul.

"Alyssa can beat him. We don't have to butt in." Stein-sensei said plainly and Papa nodded

The blood suddenly turned into sharp needles and charged at Alyssa. She dodged them but she got a few cuts and kicked Crona outside the church. She walked towards him with her head lowered and the blade of her scythe almost touching the ground. She positioned herself.

"You almost killed Soul. Maka is injured badly and you almost finished her off." She said in a dark tone. Wait, she cares about us? Why? She don't even know us. We don't even know her until yesterday!

"I won't forgive you for that." She continued

"Mads...." she said and Maddie's reflection appeared on the blade and nodded.

"SOUL RESONANCE!" They yelled and Alyssa glowed green. Maddie transformed into a very large scythe while glowing blue and green. Bigger than witch hunting. I widened my eyes.

"GRIM REAPER!" Alyssa yelled and slashed the demon king. It's eventually defeated. That's so hardcore. I stared in awe and Alyssa turned around.

"You guys all right?" Alyssa asked and we nodded

"That's so hardcore." I said and she sighed

"Aly, you do know you can defeat him with only witch hunting, right?" Stein-sensei asked while walking up to them. Alyssa nodded

"Mads wanted to try it out and she's been bugging me all day." She said

Alyssa Pov


At the restaurant

Aly I wanna try Grim Reaper!

At the fountain

Come on! I wanna try it!

At the market

Please! Please! Please! I'll do anything!

Flashback end

All of them sweatdropped and I sighed. A witch came down while sitting at her broom and tried hitting us and I blocked her attacks using Maddie in her Grim Reaper form.

She left with Crona and I sighed. Maddie transformed back and smiled at me.

"Let's not pursue her." Stein-sensei said while turning to Soul's almost lifeless body. He almost died. That witch and Crona dude are gonna pay.

"I'm worried about Soul." He continued. We sighed and headed back to DWMA.


Maddie and I are in front of the mission board looking for another mission.

"This one." Maddie said and I read the mission she's pointing at.

Kill a witch at Western Village. Unlock Witch's wand.

"You want to unlock Witch's wand?" I asked in confusion and she nodded

"Hmm....ok sure. If you want it then let's go." I said and we headed to Lord Death and he approved the mission. We went in our way.

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