It's my fault!

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Soul Pov

Alyssa. Her eyes. It's not mint green or black. It's pure red. Her face showed no emotion. What happened to her? Did Dreya brain washed all of her memories now?

"B-blaze." I stuttered when I saw her.

"Aly......." Maddie said with sadness. All of us weapon turned into our weapon forms. Maddie transformed her arms into mahine guns and Molly summoned an angel scythe. Molly and Aly are so full of surprises. What can I say? Sisters.

"Oh, are you the ones Destroyer met up with at Japan?" Dreya asked and we widened our eyes. Maka regained her composure.

"Dreya! Give our friend back!" Maka yelled

"Friend? Oh. She's never your friend. She's a foe." Dreya said and I got angry.

"Liar!" I yelled out. My reflection showing at my blade.

"You did this! You brain washed her!" I yelled in anger.

"S-soul." Maka muttered and fell.

"Maka!" I yelled and transformed back. The others fell down as well. It's just me.

"What did you do!?" I asked with anger in my voice.

"What did I do? Oh. No. Little Deatroyer here did it." Dreya said

"She's not Destroyer!" I yelled and summoned my scythe. How? How did I summon this? All I know is transform.

"I'll kill you!" I yelled and charged but got stopped by Alyssa.

"No. You will face the one you love the most. Let's see if you can hurt the one you love the most, Soul Eater Evans." She said and Aly charged at me. I blocked it with my scythe. Aly. I need to regain her memories. But how?

"Blaze! Snap out if it! This isn't you at all!" I yelled and she slashed my stomach. Opening the stitch Crona gave me before.

"Ahhhhhh!" I screamed in pain. Blood flowed down from my head and my stomach.

"Soul!" My friends yelled. Aly kept on slashing me. I dropped to the floor with blood. I looked up at her and saw the necklace I gave. That's it. I held my necklace and showed it to her.

"Do you remember this?" I asked weakly and she raised her scythe. She suddenly saw the necklace she bought for me. Her eyebrows narrowed. It's working.

"B-blaze." I stuttered and her eyes slowly turned black.

"E-evans." She stuttered and I smiled. My scythe disappeared and she dropped to the floor beside me. Her scythe disappeared and she held me. I'm smiling weakly at her. She's back. Finally.

"No. No. I did this." She cried and I smiled weakly.

"Kill her." I said and darkness soon consumed me.

Alyssa Pov

No. No. Soul. You can't leave me. This is all my fault. I did this. I shouldn't have been your girlfriend. If only I avoided all of you from the first place. You guys won't die.

"NO! SOUL!" I yelled and cried harder. This is all my fault. I used my powers and healed him. It only healed a bit of his injuries. My strength started to fade. I looked at Maka and the others. They need to get Soul to Stein. He might die sooner or later. His pulse is weakening. He's loosing more blood each second.

"Take him to Stein. Please." I pleaded and they nodded. They stood up then carried Soul to Stein. I stood up then faced Dreya. Anger boiled inside of me. That witch. She brain washed me and made me almost kill Soul! That's it! No one brain washes me! This witch is the first ever to test my true power!

"You're gonna pay for this!" I yelled while summoning my death scythe. I made it longer and the blade is bigger. This is my original death scythe. She just smirked.

"I would love to see you try." She said and I charged.

"Die!" I yelled and tried slashing her but she only get small cuts. She casted multiple spells and summoned spears to attack me and my clothes are torn and my arms are bloody. The cuts in my legs are bleeding. Blood started dripping down from my head.

"Why don't you just give up already!? Join me! We will rule over the world together! Everyone will fear us!" She said while giving me another cut. This time it's in my stomach.

"That's nonsense! What's the point of living if you're just gonna live in misery!?" I yelled and slashed her. I backed away.

"Misery?" She asked

"That's right. Misery. What's the point of living if you don't have people you can count on? The people you love. Your family." I said and she laughed.

"Who needs them when you're the strongest?" She asked and I got irritated. I attacked her again but this time I'm really angry. My eyes turned into a galaxy like color. Stars are shining.

"Hmm? Little Destroyer or should I say Alyssa is mad?" She teased and I backed away.

"That's it! SOLO RESONANCE!" I yelled and I glowed purple, blue, green, and white.

"Fear Executioner won't work on me dear." She said and I positioned myself. My scythe turned into the biggest scythe you will ever see.

"Oh that's not what I'll be using, honey." I whispered while smirking and she looked terrified.

"EVIL HUNTER!" I yelled and slashed her in pieces.

"DIE YOU EVIL WITCH!" I yelled and gave her on final blow. She dropped to the floor and a pool of blood started to form.

"I-impossible." She stuttered and I walked towards her.

"It's over." I said then slashed her one more time. Her body disappeared and her soul floated in front of me. I ate it then sighed. My weapon disappeared. No. I can't go unconcious yet. I need to see Soul. If he's all right. I ran inside the school and went to the dispensary. I opened the door while holding my left elbow with my right hand. I saw Soul in the bed. He's full of bandages. It's my fault. This is all my doing. If only I didn't let myself get kidnapped. If only I'm faster. Smarter. This wouldn't have happened to him. The others are inside.

"Aly!" They exclaimed

"S-soul." I stuttered and walked towards him. I stroked his hair and cried.

"This......this is my fault." I sniffed

"Aly! You need medical attention!" Kid yelled but I just ignored him.

"Aishiteru." I whispered then fell to the ground and darkness soon consumed me.

Maddie Pov

Aly dropped to the floor and we ran towards her.

"Aly!" I yelled and lifted her. She's full of blood but I don't care. Soul is fine. But she's not.

"Call Stein!" Kid yelled and Maka and Patty went to get Dr. Stein. I put her in an empty bed then started stopping the bleeds.

"What happened?" Flow asked

"Aly's almost dead! For the second time! That's what happened!" I yelled with tears flowing down my cheeks.

"S-sorry." She apologised but I don't care. My only family is almost dead. My savior is almost dead because she saved lives again. Dr. Stein finally ran inside and started treating Aly. Liz and Patty hugged me.

"S-she's almost dead." I stuttered. Patty and I cried.

"'s all right you two. Aly is strong." Liz comforted. Black Star comforted Tsubaki and Kid comforted Maka.

"It's all right. Soul and Aly are strong." Kid comforted.

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