Can you kill Medusa?

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One week later

Maka Pov

I'm sitting here at our hiding spot. We're going to invade Arachne. All of us are battling. Aly. This is the day she's supposed to come back. Where is she? Who is the person she's looking for? Crona............he left with Ms. Marie to find Stein-sensei and deal with Medusa.

"Maka." Soul said and I looked at him.

"This is stupid you know. We need to move and kill the kishin." He said and I slammed my fist to the rock.

"I'll ask you this. What do yo want to do?" He asked and I thought about it. Save Crona. Save Marie-sensei. Make my mother proud. Fulfill my promise to Aly.

"I know now." I said and faced Black Star and Tsubaki.

"Gomenè, I'll let you deal with this." I said and ran off to find Medusa. Soul is running behind me.

Alyssa Pov

We landed here at Death City yesterday and I brought my big sister. Molly. Maddie and her got along pretty well. Then I suddenly remembered something. Kid. He's retrieving another magic tool. I need to help him. That village he went to. It's dangerous. Liz is afraid of ghosts so I'm sure they're waiting outside for Kid.

"Molly, Maddie. Is it all right if we go and save Kid's butt?" I asked and they smirked then nodded.

"I wanna see how he's grown. He's just a little baby when I disappeared." Molly said and I smiled. They turned into scythes and I held them. Molly is a white scythe with black linings. Maddie is on her death scythe mode. I summoned Flora and flew to Kid's location. You better be alive or else.


I finally landed and I saw Kid fighting......clowns!? Seriously!? Of all things you have to fight it has to be clowns!?

"C-clowns....." I stuttered and Maddie and Molly knows why. I'm afraid of clowns! They're so creepy! Their long mouth and round weird nose.

"Kid!" I yelled and he looked at me. He kept on getting hit because he's focused on the symmetry.

"Aly!" He exclaimed and ran towards me. The clowns behind him.

"No! No! Don't let those clowns reach me!" I yelled while crossing Molly and Maddie on their scythe forms.

"Oh? Afraid of us little missy?" The red one asked and I widened my eyes when he almost touched me. I suddenly saw a bullet passed through me and I looked at who it is. It's Patty. I smiled when I finally thought of an idea to hit them without being close to them.

"Molly, Mads, pistol mode!" I said whole throwing them up and they changed into pistols and I caught them. I aimed at the clowns and shot them.

"Kid! Resonate with Liz and Patty!" I commanded and he nodded. Patty changed into a pistol and Kid caught them. He jumped up to the ferris wheel and I shot the clowns making them follow me. I jumped at the ferris wheel where Kid is and they went after him. I jumped down and let Kid deal with those clowns. Molly and Maddie changed back into human forms and hugged me.

"I missed that little sis!" Molly exclaimed and they kept on hugging me.

"Yeah. Yeah." I said and they released me. Kid finished off the clowns and I smiled. He jumped down beside me and hugged Molly.

"Molly!" He exclaimed and Molly laughed.

"How's it been Kiddo?" Molly asked him

"You know I'm your cousin too, right?" He asked and she nodded.

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