Am I too late?

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Alyssa Pov

Maka and I are trying to find Crona. He's nowhere to be seen. I think he ran away. Crona.....where are you? Maddie and Soul suddenly appeared with Soul's motorcycles and Maka hopped in and Maddie hopped in my hoverboard. We went to the desert since we saw some footsteps and I know that Crona wants to be alone and go back to Medusa because he has to. Maka kept on yelling his name.

"CRONA!" She yelled. We stopped at a pit and Maddie hopped down. I went to the edge of the pit and I saw Crona crying.

"Crona..." I said and he looked at me.

"Leave me alone. I don't want anyone here. I don't want to bring more sadness to people." He said and I hovered down.

"You never brought sadness to me." I said and he looked at me.

"I'm the reason Stein-sensei is crazy. I made one of Lady Medusa's snakes get inside Marie-sensei's body. I'm the reason they're suffering!" He yelled and I hopped down my hoverboard and it disappeared.

"I don't want to leave! I want to stay at DWMA with you Aly but I can't!" He yelled

"I understand why you did that. Medusa's your mother and you can't do anything about it." I said and Maka slid down and stood beside me.

"But, Crona..." I trailed off and Maka continued my sentence

"You made us happy eversince you came here. We know you feel pain when you see us being kind to you but don't be. You're our friend." Maka said and Crona cried then hugged the both of us. I smiled a bit and hugged back.

"You're the reason my joy is back." I whispered and he cried harder. I looked at Soul and Maddie. They smiled at me and I smiled back. I can see a hint of jealousy in Soul's eyes and I smirked. Soul saw my smirk and looked away.

"Let's go home Crona." I said and  summoned Flora. I pulled away and threw Crona to Maddie. I chuckled when he screamed. I hopped in Flora and Maka is behind me. We flew up and landed beside Soul. Maka jumped down and smiled at Crona. I smiled at him apologetically.

"Hehe, gomenè." I said while scratching the back of my neck.

"Well then! Let's go! I'm hungry!" Maddie cheered and I looked at Soul.

"Someone's jealous." I cooed at Soul and he blushed then looked away. I chuckled at his action.

All of us headed back to DWMA and ate by the forest with Crona. Someone suddenly held my hand and I looked at who it is. It's Soul. Smirking like crazy while eating a sandwich and I chuckled. Kid suddenly appeared and called me.

"Nanda?" I asked while standing up.

"Father wants to talk to you and Maddie" He said and I nodded. Maddie stood up and stood beside me.

"Why?" She asked

"I don't really know." Kid said and I nodded

"See ya guys, don't run away again Crona." I said while waving and they chuckled and waved back. We headed our way to the death room.


Alyssa Pov

Uncle Death sent me and Maddie on a mission to find Arachne's lair. But since I made that little act before I already know where it is. Maddie and I are spying on them right now and it seems like they teamed up with the kishin Asura. I balled my hands into fists and gripped them tightly. Mosquito suddenly activated a machine and a black line with a hint of red erupted to the sky. It formed a red cloud that spreaded almost the whole territory of Arachne.

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