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Alyssa Pov

Maddie and I already landed at Japan and we went to get our luggage. I'm wearing a mint green knitted long sleeved shirt, white scarf that looks like Tsubaki's, a pair of white jeans, black ankle-high boots, and white fingerless gloves. I slung my black sling bag where my phone, charger, earphones, and other valuables are. Maddie is wearing a mini backpack with a lock that only she can unlock. I can't even unlock that thing. Anyways, we already went here a couple of times so we already know our way. We need to go to Mt. Fuji.

"Come on besty!" Maddie said while pulling my left hand.

"All right all right. No need to rush Mads." I said and she smiled at me. We got our luggage and we went to check in a hotel. We checked in for three days. The bell boy put our luggages on out hotel room and gave our key card. I put it in my pocket and we went to the elevator to go to our room. We stopped at the second floor and we went to find our room.

"Room 156.....156, 156." I said while looking at the plaques with numbers. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156!

"There." I pointed to the room with a plaques stating 156. I swiped the key card and the door opened. We went inside and laid or bag at the bed.

"You checked in a suite?" I asked and Maddie smiled.

"Enjoy life, remember?" She reminded and I chuckled

"Yeah, yeah. Let's eat and go find information after." I said while opening my bag and took my wallet, phone, and PSVita. I put in the lace of my PSVita around my neck and put my phone and wallet at my pockets.

"All right. Let's go." She said and I hid my bag under the bed. Just in case. I grabbed the key card and walked to the door. Maddie exited and I followed her. The door automatically locked and I gave the key to Maddie. We went to a restaurant and ate so many Japanese food. Japan is my favorite country, well next to Death City.

"Now that's delicious." I said while grabbing my glass of lemonade and drank it. My phone vibrated and I pulled it out and opened it. Soul texted me.

"Who is it?" Maddie asked and I smiled then put my glass down.

"Soul." I said and she chuckled

"Aww. Long distance." She cooed and I rolled my eyes playfully. I opened the message and read it

Soul😜: Hey, you already landed?

Aly💪: Yeah. Maddie and I just had lunch. We're on our way to Mt. Fuji. I'll text you later when we finished the mission.

Soul😜: All right. Be careful. Love you 😘

Aly💪: Sure. Love you too.

I put my phone down and looked at Maddie.

"Let's go?" She asked and I smiled then nodded. We stood up and exited the restaurant and went to Mt. Fuji to find information.


We got some information from the people there. The kishin's name is Tora. He only comes out at midnight to kill people and eat souls. Maddie and I went back to the hotel and changed into our battle outfits. I wore my regular black coat that I always use on missions and Maddie wore her red trench coat. I hid our valuables and sighed.

"Ok. Let's go?" She asked

"I'll just tie my hair." I said while tying my hair into my normal ponytail. I looked at her and she smiled.

"Let's go." I said and we exited our room. Maddie will be holding unto the key card. We headed outside and went to Mt. Fuji before 12.

Soul Pov

Maka and I just finished our mission and its already night time. We headed home and wore our home clothes. Maka made a midnight snack for her and I went to my room and texted Aly.

Soul😜: Hey Blaze, we just finished our mission. How are you?

No reply. I waited for another 10 minutes but she's not replying. I texted her again

Soul😜: Hey Blaze. Are you all right?

No reply. I glanced at the time and it read 11:59.

Soul😜: Text me if you receive my messages ok? Be careful.

I sighed and closed my phone. I laid it at the bedside table and I stared at the ceiling. Aly. I hope she's all right.

Alyssa Pov

We found Tora at the top of the mountain and Maddie and I went there. We saw him killing another human and ate his soul.

"Tora. Your days of killing is over. Your soul is mine." I said in a dark tone and attacked. Maddie did her job and tried finding Tora's weak spot and his strategy. He suddenly held my neck and darkness slowly took over my sight.

Maddie Pov

Aly got unconcious and Tora looked at me.

"I'll be having your meister now. Goodbye." He said the disappeared.

"Aly!" I yelled but they're nowhere. I started panicking. Aly. Something might happen to her. I should contact Lord Death. I rushed back to the hotel and went to our room. I went inside the bathroom where a mirror is and breathed on it then contacted Lord Death. He appeared and waved.

"Heya Mads! Where's Aly?" He asked

"That's the problem Lord Death. Aly got kidnapped by Tora. I don't know how he disappeared but he suddenly vanished when Aly was knocked unconcious." I explained in a panicked voice.

"What!? Aly got kidnapped!? Get back here as soon as possible. We'll figure this out." He said and I nodded. He disappeared and I packed all of our stuff. I put Aly's valuables inside my back pack and the rest are inside her luggage. Good thing we only came here with two luggages. I opened Aly's phone and saw text messages from Soul. I decided to text back.

Aly💪: Soul this is Maddie. Aly got kidnapped and I'm on my way back. I'll explain once I'm there. Tell the others.

I texted and shut her phone. I checked out and went to the airport. The plane is still there. I bought a ticket and went inside the plane. I handed the luggage to the flight attendant at the gate. I sat at the seat beside the mirror and clutched my bag tightly. Aly.....I promise I'll find you. This is all my fault. If only I acted quick. I looked at my watch and it read 1:30 AM. I sighed and locked my bag then hugged it tight. I tried getting some sleep but I kept on waking up every 30 minutes.

Soul Pov

I'm still waiting for Aly's text even if it's already 1:30. My phone vibrated and I opened it. It's from Aly. Thank goodness. I opened the message and read it.

Aly💪: Soul this is Maddie. Aly got kidnapped and I'm on my way back. I'll explain once I'm there. Tell the others.

I almost dropped my phone when I read that. Aly. Kidnapped!? This is so sudden! I went outside my room and knocked on Maka's door. She opened it and looked at me.

"Soul, it's 1:30 in the morning." She said in a sleepy voice.

"I know but, Blaze got kidnapped." I said in a panicking voice.

"What!? We need to tell the others. Let's tell the others tomorrow. For now let's have some shut eyes." She said and it calmed me down.

"All right. Go back to sleep Maka." I said and she nodded then closed her door. I went back inside my room and laid on my bed. Aly, you better be alive. How would she even get kidnapped? This is all so sudden.

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