Are you all right?

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Alyssa Pov

I'm in a white room. Nothing else. Everything is white. There are no furnitures, appliances, and people.

"Alyssa" I heard someone call and I turned around. I saw Angel.

"Angel." I whispered and she smiled.

"My brother got eaten by your boyfriend. I want you to say him my thanks." She said

"But, I'm dead. Right?" I asked and she shook her head

"No, Aly. I managed to turn the tables. I'll be the one fading away and you will return to them." She explained and I smiled.

"Arigatò Angel." I thanked and she smiled.

"Sayonarà, Alyssa." She said and I smiled wider.

"No. I'll see you when I'm dead. So, see you Angel. Arigatò............for everything." I thanked and she smiled then nodded.

"I'll always be a part of you, Aly." She said while walking away and everything faded.

I woke up and I looked around. I'm in a clinic or something. My chest and stomach are covered with bandages. My arms as well, starting from my upper arm down to my wrists. I looked under the covers and saw that I'm wearing my black skirt, my legs are wrapped around with bandages. I touched my cheek and felt a band-aid. I must've took a blow. I looked beside my bed and saw a white haired boy sleeping. Soul. He stayed here. Why? He should be back at their apartment. He didn't have to stay here. He suddenly started shuffling and woke up. He looked around and saw me awake.

"Blaze!" He exclaimed then hugged me and I smiled.

"W-water" I stuttered and he pulled away. He poured some water in a cup and he helped me sat up and drink he water. He placed the cup down at the bedside table and I sighed.

"How long was I out?" I asked

"Three days." He said and I chuckled

"So I missed Kid's rampage?" I asked with a smile and he chuckled

"Not really. We held him down until you woke up." He explained and I smiled

"That's a relief." I said while closing my eyes.

"Angel wants to thank you." I said and he looked at me.

"Angel?" He asked and I chuckled.

"She's the little demon girl I was talking about before. She wants to thank you for eating her brother." I explained and he chuckled

"What kind of sister is she?" He joked and I chuckled then closed my eyes. I felt him stand up and I looked at him.

"I'll go get Stein. Stay there." He said and I nodded. He left the room and I thought about the fight. Asura. He's not evil. He's just a man who doesn't like having fears. A minute later the door opened and I looked at it. It's Stein with Soul and the others.

"Aly!" They all exclaimed. Kid is wearing hand cuffs. What?

"Why is Kid wearing hand cuffs?" I asked

"We held him down for you. Death City including our homes are still asymmetrical." Liz said and I chuckled.

"Aly, are you all right? Does anything hurt?" Dr. Stein asked

"I'm fine. My body is just feeling a little numb." I said and he nodded. Maddie handed me a white v-neck shirt and I wore it. The bandages are still on since I can't take them off yet.

"You can go home now. No fighting for a week. Oh, and in three weeks school will start again at DWMA when the construction is done." He said and I nodded but, fighting? For one week. I can't live with that. Oh no.

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