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Author Pov

Alyssa, Maka, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, and Maddie are wearing matching black short-sleeved dresses and black two inch heels. All of them are inside Alyssa's room in the death manor.

"You guys are lucky I made this an exception." Alyssa said and the girls chuckled.

"Come on, Aly! This is our graduation day!" Maddie exclaimed and all of them hugged Alyssa.

"I'll never forget this." Alyssa said and the girls smiled.

"Yeah. Every christmas and new year all of us will gather here in Death City at DWMA and have a good time, all right?" Maddie said and the girls nodded.

"Let's get going. We need to graduate before our flight." Alyssa said and they nodded then headed to DWMA. Alyssa took one last look on her room and smiled. Her room is full of memories she will always cherish.


Alyssa and the girls saw the guys waiting for them to arrive by the entrance. All of the boys are wearing their tuxedos.

"Evans!" Alyssa called and Soul looked at her then smirked.

"The girls made you wear that type of clothing, huh?" Soul said while wrapping an arm around his girlfriend and Alyssa pouted.

"I don't want to talk about it." She said while crossing her arms and Soul pecked her cheek.

"You ready?" He asked and Alyssa nodded.

"As ready as I'll ever be." She answered and all of them walked inside DWMA and entered the death room. All of the juniors are lined up with the death scythes and teachers and they walked up to Lord Death.

"Heya! I'm so proud of you! All of you!" Lord Death exclaimed and all of them smiled.

"Now, time to start. Maka Albarn a three star scythe master graduate, Mike Lorenz a death scythe graduate." Lord Death started and they clapped.

"Maddie Wiston a three star death scythe graduate, James Torrenz a two star sword master graduate." Lord Death announced and they clapped once more.

"Black Star a three star demon weapon master graduate, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa a three star death scythe graduate." Lord Death said and they clapped again.

"Death the Kid a three star gun master graduate, Elizabeth Thompson a death scythe graduate, and Patricia Thompson a death scythe graduate."

"And last but not the least, Alyssa Blaze Death a multi demon master, assassin, and death scythe graduate, Soul Eater Evans a death scythe graduate." Lord Death announced and they clapped again. Alyssa and her gang are smiling ever so brightly.

"I, now announce you, the strongest group that ever graduated in Death Weapon Meister Academy!" Lord Death announced and the gang broke into tears. They're finally graduated.

"Congratulations to all of you! You made history of being the strongest students and group that ever graduated in DWMA! Future generation students will notice your hard work and you will be an inspiration to them." Lord Death said and they formed a group hug.

"I'm so proud of you, Maka! That's my girl!" Spirit cried and for once Maka is happy because her old man is proud of her. She knows that her mom is proud as well.

"Kiddo! Aly! I'm so proud of you two!" Lord Death exclaimed and Lord Death hugged the both of them.

"Arigatò, Uncle Death!" Aly thanked

"Arigatò, father!" Kid thanked

"Now, I want the strongest student to have a short speech of what she wants to say to the future generation meister and weapons." Lord Death said and Alyssa nodded then wiped her tears away. She faced the juniors and smiled.

"I just want to say, my life became beautiful because of these people behind me. Being their friends made me really happy. If I haven't gone to DWMA and formed a group with them, I would've been so lonely right now.  They made my life better and one certain person made me feel like I have a purpose in the world." Alyssa started and Kid nudged Soul's arm and Soul smirked.

"I want the juniors to keep working hard and let us be an inspiration to all of you. Earning a spot on the DWMA Hall of Fame is such an honor to all of us. I know you guys will join us someday. Keep on believing and you can achieve anything." Alyssa said and they clapped.

"I and these people behind me will be starting our seperate lives but just because we're not together doesn't mean our bond is not strong. We will visit DWMA every year to see the students grow and achieve their goals. Thank you for the teachers and specially Dr. Stein and Uncle Death for helping us achieve our goals and graduate with such titles. That's all and thank you." Alyssa thanked and they clapped again. She stepped back and stood beside Soul.

"Some speech you gave there." Soul whispered and Alyssa chuckled.

"I meant what I said." She said and Soul kissed her cheek.

"Now, I want our top two student to say something as well." Lord Death said and Maddie stepped forward.

"Just like Aly said. My life in DWMA is so great! But I would never experience this kind of life if it wasn't for one special person. If it wasn't for her I would've been spent my life in the dark. I wouldn't have friends. Colleagues. And specially a family I can always count on. That person is Aly. She saved me from darkness. From pain. From death. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her. I want to thank you Aly. For everything." Maddie thanked and Alyssa smiled.

"Being a part of DWMA's strongest group is too much for me. I'm so happy that I became a part of it. I even became a three star death scythe. DWMA really makes you happy. Sure, you go through hardships and trials but it's worth it. Your hard work will pay off. The reward may not be a trophy, a certificate, or a medal but, your greatest reward is happiness and a title that you will bring for the rest of your life. As you can see, none of us are wearing any medals, but we all earned a spot in the hall of fame of DWMA. I'm sure the future generation students of DWMA will earn a position there as well and soon join us at the top." Maddie said and they clapped again. Alyssa looked at her watch and it read 7:30. They still have two hours before their plane leaves.

"Thank you and I hope that the future students of DWMA will be just like us or stronger." Maddie thanked then stepped back and they clapped.

"Now! The ceremony is over! You guys go now! You need to catch your flight." Lord Death said and they nodded. They all said their farewells and see you to Kid, Liz, Patty,  Lord Death, and the other teachers. They left and headed to the airport.


Alyssa Pov

All of us are here at the center of the airport and we looked at Maka and the others.

"You guys take care. We will see each other again by christmas and new year. Don't you guys dare forget to invite us on your birthdays." I said and they nodded while smiling then hugged us.

"Stay safe, all right?" Maka said and we nodded. They headed to their plane and I looked at Soul.

"You ready, Blaze?" He asked and I smiled.

"You always say that Evans. You know my answer." I said and he smirked then wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Let's go then. Our new life is ahead of us." He said and I nodded. We dragged our luggages to the gate then gave it to the attendant. This is it. Our new life is about to begin. I know we will be together. Through thick and thin I will always love him.

"I love you, Blaze." Soul said and I smiled.

"I love you too, Evans." I said and pecked his cheek. We headed inside the plane and I'm smiling ever so brightly. We'll always be together. Forever. Our friends will stay as our friends and I know that they will always be a part of our lives. Even if we're away. Our bond will never......ever.............break. They will always stay inside our hearts. We're all in this together.

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