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Soul's dream

"Gomenè Soul. Aishiteru." Alyssa said in my arms. She's badly injured

"No! No! Alyssa! You can't go! Please!" I pleaded with tears in my eyes. She smiled and wiped them away with her hand.

"Smile for me Soul." She said and kissed me. I kissed back and she pulled away and closed her eyes.

"Alyssa!" I yelled while shaking her

"No, no no no!" I said

"AGGGGHHHHHH!" I screamed

End of Dream

Soul Pov

I woke up screaming. I sat up and saw everyone still sleeping. What's that dream? Alyssa......please come back. I want to see you again in your normal self. I sighed. What's that dream? Is it a dream or a vision? Arrgghhh! This is all so frustrating!

Alyssa Pov

Today is the day Arachne and I will have a little battle with DWMA. This is also the day I'll drop the.............Anyways, I prepared myself and went to Arachne's web. I saw Arachne there while smiling down at me. She unfolded her fan and covered half of her face.

"Are you ready Alyssa?" She asked and I smirked and nodded

"Anytime, Lady Arachne." I said while bowing down. We went to her limo and drove to Death City. We stopped by the stairs of DWMA and she flew up. I used my hoverboard and followed her.

Soul Pov

We suddenly ran to the entrance when we heard screams from DWMA students. We saw Arachne and Alyssa!

"Soul!" Maka yelled and I nodded. I turned into my scythe form and Tsubaki, Liz and Patty transformed as well. Maddie transformed her hands into giant machine guns.

"I see all of you are here. Even the death scythes." Arachne said with a hint of amusement on her voice while looking at the death scythes and Alyssa faced us with a blank face. I can't tell if she's acting or not. Is that even her? She's different than yesterday. No emotions. Nothing at all. What in the name of Mighty Hercules is happening!?

"Alyssa, kill Maka and Soul first." Arachne said and I looked at Alyssa. She just nodded and summoned an angel scythe!? That's legendary! She charged at us and kept on hitting Maka. Maka landed hard and I transformed back and protected her from Alyssa.

"Alyssa! Stop this! This isn't you at all!" I tried convincing her but she just had a blank face. She raised her scythe up and aimed at me and Maka. When she's about to kill us Arachne stopped her.

"Defeat the others first." She said and Alyssa nodded. She slashed the others and once all of us are down (even the death scythes) Arachne stood behind her. This is crazy! Even the death scythes are down! What's with Alyssa!? Is this her real power!? I don't think that's her at all!

"Kill Soul." She said and Alyssa nodded then walked towards me with an emotionless face. She raised her scythe up in the air and aimed it down at me. The blade is shining because of the sun. I tried to convince her one more time.

"Alyssa....please....this isn't you." I pleaded and she closed her eyes for a while then opened them again and looked at me. She suddenly smiled and her eyes went back to the old shining black orbs I love. She's back. Thank goodness!

"That's my cue." She whispered down at me while looking behind her and suddenly slashed Arachne into half. All of us widened our eyes and Arachne disappeared. Her soul floated and Alyssa ate it.

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