Our souls are not in sync?

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Alyssa Pov

After Maddie and I defeated a cockroach witch from Western Village, we headed back to our home and got some sleep. I coughed and I saw black blood! Uh-oh

(Next day)

Alyssa Pov

Maddie and I walked towards Kid and Black Star along with their partners.

"Dragon girl!" Patty exclaimed when she saw me. I smiled a bit

"Seems like everyone's here." Someone said and we looked at who it is. It's Soul.

"Soul! Good you're back. It's getting boring without you." Black Star said

"Yeah. Thanks." Soul said while fist bumping Black Star.

"Black Star, I have a feeling we're being laughed at." Kid said while looking at the laughing girls.

"Kid, Black Star. I think you should go inside the classroom." Maka said by the door and we entered the classroom. We saw banners and pictures of the holy sword Excalibur in his other form. I read the banner and it said

I'll be always waiting for you

This made me crack up. Excalibur! The lame alien!

"Aly! You're laughing!" Maddie exclaimed happily and I kept on laughing

"Why are you laughing?" Kid and Black Star asked

"B-because.........you pulled Excalibur! Hahahahaha. He's so annoying and lame." I said in between laughs. The others started laughing as well.

"Good luck. You need to wait three years until he stop bugging you or wait for someone to replace you." I said while calming my laughter. Black Star and Kid lost color and anime fell. Lord Death called us and we headed to the Death room.

Maddie Pov

"Maddie?" Maka whispered

"Hmm?" I hummed

"Why are you so shocked when Alyssa laughed?" She asked

"Because, she never laughed in her whole entire life. She never smiled as well. I guess I'm just happy she could feel happiness." I stated and she smiled and nodded. We stood in front of the mirror where Lord Death is.

"Ahhh......there you are!" He exclaimed

"You need something?" Aly asked

Alyssa Pov

"Yes. I want Soul and Maka to have a mission with Black star and Tsubaki. As well as Aly and Mads. Kiddo and his partners will be doing a different job." He started and he explained everything we need to know.

"Aly, Mads. I want you two to help them if you have to. But, let them have the kill." Lord Death said and we both nodded. I coughed and I swallowed the black blood that is supposed to be coming out. I can't let them see this.


All of us are in Maka and Soul's home and it seems nice even if it's small. I'm sitting beside Tsubaki, Tsubaki is sitting beside Maddie, Kid is sitting beside Black Star, Soul is sitting at the other side of Black Star, Liz and Patty are sitting side to side and Maka is sitting at a solo chair. Someone suddenly walked to the living room where we are and she's wearing a witch outfit? But her soul's not a witch's.

"Oh guys, this is Blair a powerful cat." Maka introduced

"Hey! What are your names?" She greeted and asked

"I'm Kid"


"Howdy! I'm Patty!"

"Black Star. The one who will surpass God!"

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