Snake witch or nurse?

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Alyssa Pov

Maddie and I just arrived at the school and I'm already uncomfortable with my clothes. I'm wearing a mint green dress with holes in my sleeve that showed my shoulders and the dress reached my knees, a gold belt, and white high heels. My hair is in a ladder style or something like that. I'm wearing my gold thick bracelet as usual. Instead of wearing black fingerless gloves, I wore white ones. Maddie said that it'll match with the outfit. Maddie is wearing a red sleeveless dress that reached her knees, gold belt, and black high heels

"Aly! Maddie! You look so beautiful!" Maka exclaimed and I flinched. Soul is beside her looking annoyed with his outfit. I feel the same. His cheeks are lightly pink. Maybe his suit is hot?

"Why do I have to wear these?" I asked while crossing my arms.

"Aww come on Aly! You look great!" Maddie said.

"How come you're not bothered when you're wearing skirts and when it comes to dresses you look like you'll puke?" Maka asked

"Maka, I fight better with skirts. Besides, whenever I wear skirts I wore leggings as well. Not like dresses. Mads here said that it'll 'ruin the look'" I said while making hand gestures. They chuckled as a response. We saw Black Star and Tsubaki arrive.

"Soul, I will eat a ton of food." Black Star said while rubbing his tummy. His clothes are not well fixed. He's drooling!

"He looks like a slob." I whispered

"Kid! Liz! Patty!" Maka waved at them

"How come Liz and Patty get to wear less revealing clothes!?" I asked and they sweatdropped. Kid led us inside and I sighed.

"Lord Death went to the stage and prepared for saying his greeting.

"Yo! Hey! Hiya! How's it goin'? Thanks for coming!" He started and we clapped

"Okay well, that concludes my greeting." He said and I sweatdropped

"It is just a greeting." I said and Kid fake coughed

"Please let me speak as well." He said

"Thank you for taking a time out of your busy schedules to attend this gala in celebration of DWMA's founding." He continued. He's a pro at this. Black Star suddenly stole the spotlight.

"It's me! It's me! The one and only Black Star!" Black star said while hanging on a curtain. I sweatdropped again. The both of them started fighting in front of everyone and I chuckled. The others started eating and partying but I just went to the balcony and stared at the sky.

"You all right?" Someone asked. I turned around and I saw Maddie.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I said while looking at the stars again. I can't tell her.

"Are you sure? You can tell me if you need or want to." She said and I sighed.

"Don't worry. I'm fine." I said and she sighed. One of her admirers suddenly pulled her and led her to the dance floor. I suddenly heard Sid-sensei yelling and the gang and I ran towards him.

"Are you all right?" I asked

"Yeah. Somehow I ran into an enemy surprise attack." He explained

"Anyway, you need to get outta here! It's a trap. They've been waiting for this day to come! The day Lord Death leaves his mirror and all DWMA students gather!" He said

"Where's Medusa!?" Stein-sensei asked and Medusa escaped

"I knew something like this would happen." I whispered and the place started shaking and green lightning is appearing.

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