Truth or dare gone wrong?

59 1 1

Alyssa Pov

Kid invited the others over even Kim's group. That includes, Ox and his partner, Kilik, Pot of fire, Pot of thunder, Kim, Jacqueline, Flow, and Harry. I sighed and wore my home clothes. A black knitted long sleeved shirt, white leggings, and my white slippers. I let my hair down and I walked out of my room. I went to the kitchen and saw Maddie and Molly there.

"Hey, ready for the shopping?" Maddie asked

"Yeah I'll just eat and change into my clothes." I said while eating my hashbrown.

"All right. Be ready in 15 minutes." Molly said and I nodded. I finished my breakfast and went up to my room. I wore a grey 3/4 sleeved sweat shirt, dark blue jeans, black above-the-knee boots, grey fingerless gloves, my bracelet, and my soul necklace. I tied my hair into my normal ponytail. I brushed my teeth then got my phone, earphones, and wallet. I'm finally allowed to use it because Liz convinced Kid that I need to use my gadgets sooner. I put them inside my small black sling bag then slung it over my head. I went outside my room and went down. I saw Maddie, Molly, Liz, and Patty at the door. I walked up to them then smiled.

"Ready to go?" Molly asked and I nodded.

"All right. We have two options, ride or walk?" Liz asked

"Ride." All of us said.

"All right. We'll use my car then." Molly said and I smiled. We went to her car and I sat at the front seat beside the driver. Molly will be driving, Maddie, Liz, and Patty are at the back seat.

"All right let's go. Kim and her group will be at the mansion by 8:00 PM." Molly said and we nodded. She started diving and I pulled out my phone and white earphones then put it on.


Maddie, Maka, and I went to the video game store, Liz, Tsubaki, Molly, and Patty went to the beauty shop.

"After this we'll go to the book store." I said and Maka nodded. I grabbed Halo 4, World War Z, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, and Black Ops 3. I paid and looked at Maka and Maddie.

"Let's go to the book store. Liz, Tsubaki,Molly, and Patty said they're on their way there." I said and they nodded. We headed to the book store and Maddie went to the fiction section, Maka went to poetry, and I went to horror and manga. I grabbed The girl next door, The Possession, Frankenstein, Hell House, The Passage, Nanatsu no taizai, Fairytail, and Special A volume 1,2, and 3. I sighed and put it on the basket. I went to the Fiction books to find Maddie. I saw her there with her basket with atleast 20 books in it.

"Mads, you know you might lose all your money with that much books." I said and she giggled.

"How many did you grab?" She asked and I counted the books I grabbed.

"Ten." I said and she giggled.

"Let's go get Maka." I said and went to poetry. We saw Maka with her basket full.

"Wow. You really need that much?" Maddie asked and Maka looked at us and smiled

"Maybe" she said and we chuckled.

"Come on. Let's pay." I said while going on the counter and handed my basket. Liz, Tsubaki, Molly, and Patty walked up to us.

"Hey bookworms." Liz greeted and we chuckled

"Is that a compliment?" I asked and they chuckled again.

"Maybe." Liz said

"Haha bookworm" Patty laughed. I paid the counter and she handed me the tote bag. I grabbed it and moved aside so Maddie can pay. We waited for them to finish and once they're done we went to the arcade to play. Maka being the reader she is, just went to a seat and read. Maddie and I played The House of the dead and Liz and Patty played Time Crisis four. Molly and Tsubaki went to play Dino Hunter or something. We played for three hours and after playing we went to Maka.

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