My mother?

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Alyssa (not for long) Pov

I woke up and saw a bright light blinding my eyes. I blocked it with my hand and I sat up. I looked around and tried remembering anything. Nothing. My mind is blank.

"Where am I?" I asked no one

"Good. You're awake." A voice said. I looked at my right and saw a white-haired lady with a black strapless gown. Her hair is in a bun and she's wearing white high heels.

"Who are you?" I asked

"I'm your mother. Dreya." She said

"Who am I?" I asked

"You're my daughter. Destroyer." She said and I nodded.

"What happened to me, mother?" I asked

"You collapsed fighting a kishin dear. I saved you. Now, I want you to do me a favor and kill this kishin." She said while pointing at my left. I turned and saw a kishin tied in a pole.

"I have powers." I whispered when I remember me using powers and fighting.

"Yes. You have dear. You hold great power." Mother said and I nodded. I stood up and summoned a katana. I stabbed the kishin and his soul floated. I grabbed it and ate the soul.

"Very good dear. Now let's go get you cleaned up." She said and led me to another room

Soul Pov

All of us are here in the death room talking about Aly being kidnapped. Maddie explained what happened and I clenched my fists.

"What's the kishin's name?" I asked in a rather dark tone.

"Tora." Maddie said

"We need find little sis." Molly said

"Yes. The death scythes are already looking for her. If you want to help then go. I'm not stopping you. She is your friend and my niece." Lord Death said

"So, we'll go to Japan." Kid said and we nodded.

"We'll leave tomorrow 4:30 in the morning." I said and they nodded.

"All right. All of us will go back to our homes and start packing. We'll stay there for at least a week so pack many clothes but not too much." Molly commanded and we nodded. We left the death room and went on our home. Aly.......I promise, we'll find you.

Destroyer (Alyssa) Pov

Mother gave me snow white highlights and she told me to turn my eyes into a mint green color. Of course being her daughter, I followed her. I wonder if I have friends before? If my life is beautiful? Mother told me about me killing witches and kishins before.

"Mother, when can I go out?" I asked her. She looked at me and smiled. I can tell it's fake. I wonder why.

"Maybe the day after tomorrow, dear. For now focus on your powers." She said and I nodded. I went to my room and started focusing my powers. Mother said that I'm a shinigami. I don't know why but she's a normal person and me being her shinigami daughter is pretty weird. How did I became a shinigami if she's not a shinigami herself? I went to sleep the moment I felt my eyelids getting heavy.

Maddie Pov

All of us met up at the airport and we're just waiting for Black Star and Tsubaki.

"The plane will leave in 30 minutes. They still have enough time to get here." Kid said and we nodded. Just then we saw Black Star running towards us with Tsubaki hot on his trail.

"Yahoo! THE GREAT ALMIGHTY BLACK STAR HAS FINALLY ARRIVED!" He yelled when he reached us.

"Keep your voice down, there are so many people here." Soul said. Eversince he knew about Aly being kidnapped he's been in a really bad mood.

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