Aptitude test, will we pass or will we fail?

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Alyssa Pov

"As you can see, only three days left and you'll be having your ultra aptitude test." Stein-sensei said while looking at us. All of us are in E.A.T class and I'm sitting in between Maddie and Maka. I sighed when I heard that.

"The two star technicians with their partners will be sitting at the left side and the one stars and their partners are at the right. Can all of the two star technicians along with their partners stand up?" Stein-sensei asked and Maddie and I stood up from our seat.

"Ahhh, I see there's a lot of you. Good. You may take your seat." He said and we sat back. There are a total of 56 two star technicians and I'm aiming for three stars.

"They said that the top student is destined to receive the very awesome death scythe." Maka told me and I nodded

"Yeah. That's true. I made Maddie into a death scythe two years ago. I refused on graduating as a one star so I kept on studying. Since I'm a two star now there will be anither weapon to be earned this year, we're aiming for the demon sword kronos. If you got in top of the two star technicians then, you are destined to receive that sword." I explained and she stared at me in awe.

"You're the one with the blank name?" She asked and I nodded

"I told Lord Death to change it and he somehow approved. I don't really know why" I said and she nodded while sweatdropping. Class is dismissed and we still need to stay here for four hours for doing missions or stuff like that. We won't have classes. To simplify things, we can't go home yet.

"Mads, let's go to the library." I said and she nodded happily

"Alyssa! Can we come with?" Maka asked and I nodded. Soon enough the whole gang is with us. We entered the room and I read books about souls and witches. Kid and Black Star are staring at the book, Excalibur in disgust. Soul is staring at the books. Maddie is reading about souls and witches as well. Maka is reading about souls, as well as Liz and Patty.

"You guys seem to be working hard." Soul said and all we did is nod

"I'll just review later." Black Star said

"I don't have to review. I am a grim reaper." Kid said

"I forgot, Kid is a competition of mine as well." I heard Maka whisper to herself.

Maka Pov

I have a lot of competition! Kid, Ox, Tsubaki, there's a lot! I'm so happy Alyssa and Maddie will be having a different test or else! Those two are good in combat AND academics.

(After four hours)

All of us went home when it's time to go home. I'm studying at my room and Blair (cat form) is sitting by the table.

"Maka, is a test fun?" She asked

"Yep. It is. It grades you on how much you've learned at school." I explained and she nodded and exited my room.

Soul Pov

I'm writing the answers in a paper when Blair entered.

"You're studying too?" She asked

"Yeah, so leave me alone." I said and she transformed into human.

"But I wanna play!" She exclaimed and hugged me on her human form.

Kid Pov

Liz and Patty are studying and I'm making a blueprint on how Liz's eyebrows will be balanced.

"Perfect." I said

Tsubaki Pov

Black Star is doing push-ups because he got the answer wrong and I'm studying.

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