22. Niall and Ella finally make love after so long. Is James really sick?

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Niall was waiting for Ella to answer if she would run away with him.

Niall: Well my princess would you run away with me? I will be your light in the darkness.

Ella: The only thing i want is to save me from the darkness Niall. Save me from James please.

Niall: Is this a yes?

Ella: Yes it is. I would finally run away with you my king.

Niall: Wow you never called me king before.

Ella: I would now called you cause you are the king of my heart.

Niall: Okay now lets go to the airport to leave now.

Ella: Where are we going?

Niall: It is a secret. Just take my hand and follow me my princess. I will be your light.,he said and took Ella's hand and they run away..

Caroline: They are so cute together.. 

Maura: Yes they are. Now i must handle James. He would be so mad. I would go and find him..

James was in his house . He learn what happened. He had a plan to destroy Niall and Ella's happiness.He started fake crying. Maura saw him and hug him.

Maura: Whats wrong my son?

James: I'm sad now. I cant believe what is going to happen very soon.

Maura was thinking that James was talking about Niall and Ella.

Maura: They are meant to be together. Please dont hurt them.



James: The only thing i want is to marry my beautiful girl,to have kids with her. This is my last wish before i die.

Maura: I dont know what to do now.

James: Let me die alone and miserable then. I lost my beautiful girl cause of him. I deserve to die alone. LEAVE ME ALL ALONE.,he said and closed his self on his room and he started laughing cause Maura believe him.

James: Hahaha i will destroyed them. No one messes with me. Hahaha..

Niall and Ella were miles away. They were inside Niall's private jet. Ella was sleeping on Niall's shoulder.

Niall: Wake up my beautiful princess. We arrived.

Ella: Why didn't you tell me where we are going?

Niall: I wanted to make a surprise to you. Is the place that you always wanted to come.

Ella: OMG IT IS.. 

Niall: Yes it is we are finally here my princess.

Niall's flashback 14 February 2010

Niall: Happy Valentine's day my love,he said and kissed Ella.

Ella: Wow is this teddy bear for me?

Niall: Yes it is. I wanted to be alone with you today but i guess you aren't ready yet.

Ella: Niall you know i want my first time to be special to prepare my self for this. I want to go somewhere romantic to do it.

Niall: Where do you want my princess? Tell me and i would take you.

Ella: This cant be happen and you know it. We dont have enough money to go there.

Niall: I promise you when i win X- Factor we will go there.

You saved me from the dark. (Niall Horan).Where stories live. Discover now