21. Maura is helping Niall and Ella. Ella's mum Caroline is back.

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Niall took Angela back to her house. Kim was surprised to see her daughter like this.

Kim: What did you do to my daughter?

Niall: I did nothing to her. She is a little upset.

Angela: They both want her and not me. 

Kim: What are you talking about?

Niall: She is a little drunk you know.

Kim: And she is dressed like me now. What happened to her? 

Niall: The girl is in love thats why she changed.

Angela: I'm not in love with you. I love James.

Niall: I gotta go now and take my things from my uncle Mark. I bought a new apartment.

Angela: To live with your daughter and her?

Niall: What daughter? Seriously you are talking no sense,he said and left.

Next morning Niall took all his things and he was ready to go his new apartment.  He saw a woman that she was standing outside the house of Angela and crying. He went next to her.

Niall: Hey lady why are you crying?

The woman looked at him and Niall froze. The woman had the same green eyes as Ella. She looked like an older version of Ella.

Niall: OMG Your eyes are so green and beautiful.

Caroline: Everyone is telling me this. I only wish my daughter was alive,she said and started crying.

Niall: How your daughter died?

Caroline: Someone killed her. They hit her with a car. Its been 5 years.

Niall froze. He understand that this woman was Ella's mum. 

Niall: Do you have any pic of her? Whats her name.

Caroline: This is my daughter Ella. She would be 22 now. 

Niall: She is very beautiful.

Caroline: She was. Now she is an angel in the sky.

Niall: Do you have any place to stay?

Caroline: This was my house but they kicked me out and they made my sister Rebecca crazy and closed her to the mad house.I want you to help me find her. Please. She is not crazy.

Niall: Okay you can come to my house. Lets get in the car.

Niall took Ella's mum in his house. He didnt knew how to tell her that Ella was alive. 

James announce to Ella that soon that will get married. 

James: We will get married at new years eve my love. My mum would come and take you to pick up a wedding dress.

Ella: I dont want to get married to you. Why you dont understand this?

James: if you want Niall alive you will do as i said. Okay? 

Ella: Leave me alone please. I want to cry,

James: When we will get married you have to sleep with me.


James; SHUT UP,he said and slapped her.

Ella: I'm blind how dare you slapping me? Niall would never do this to me. He respects me and loves me.

James: You are glad that my mum is coming now or else i will hit you so hard..

Maura then came and she took Ella to help pick a wedding dress.

Maura: I dont like to see you like this my daughter. You are getting married. You are supposed to be happy.

Ella: I dont love James.I love..

Maura: Niall i know that. I wish i could help you.

Ella: nobody could help me or save me. Nobody.

Maura: I would call Niall to come here. I would come and help you put on the dress..

Maura called Niall to come here cause Ella needed him so bad.

Maura: Can you please come to the address that i would send you? I have a surprise for you.

Niall: What surprise?

Maura; Something that will make you happy.

Niall: You know what makes me happy..

Maura: Of course i know i am your mother. See you in 20 minutes son. I love you.

Niall: I love you mum.

Caroline: This was so cute. i wish i had my daughter to tell me i love you mum. I miss her so much.

Niall: Aww please dont cry. Come with me for  a walk.

Caroline: I dont want to go for a walk. I want my daughter back. 

Niall: okay you will have her back. Come with me.

Niall decided to take Caroline with him where his mum was. They didnt know that they both will see Ella..

Maura help Ella to put on her wedding dress.

Maura: You look so beautiful my daughter,she said and took  a pic of Ella and send it to Niall.

Ella: I wish i could see my self in the mirror.

Maura: If Niall was here he couldnt stop looking at you and admire you.

Ella: But he is not here. And sadly i'm not getting married to him.

Maura: This would change very soon my love.

Niall then arrived with Caroline. He saw Ella and froze. She was so beautiful.  He coudnt stop looking at her and admiring her. He was glad that Ella couldnt see him.

Maura; Come in my son. Ella is waiting for you.

Ella: Why did you call him to come? I only want Niall nobody else.

Niall: I'm here for you my beautiful princess. You are so beautiful. I love you my princess.

Ella: Niall is that really you?,she was touching his face to understand if was him and Niall then kiss her hands.

Niall: Its me my princess. Your Niall. I will always be for you. I love you,he said and couldnt stop kissing her.

Caroline then came in and saw Niall and Ella kissing.

Caroline: They are such a cute couple.

Maura: Yes they love each other so much. Niall and Ella.

Caroline: Ella? She has the same name as my daughter.

Maura: Omg now i noticed that you have the same green eyes as Ella. I have an idea.  Give me your phone and i will take a pic of you together. Niall came here and take us a pic please.

Niall: okay mum. Sorry love but i must obey her. OMG SERIOUSLY?

Caroline went and sat next to Ella to take a pic without saying a world. Caroline couldn't stop crying at all.

Ella: Aww please dont cry. I dont deserve this. I dont want you to be sad cause of me,she said and hug her.

Maura: Then run away with Niall and never look back.JUST DO IT. 

Ella: But James.

Maura: i know how to handle James dont worry.

Niall: It is the time my princess. Run away with me. Now please? 

Ella: I wish i could.


P.S. Will Ella run away with Niall? Will Ella understood that her mother Caroline is there with her? 

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