63. What is Niall hiding from Ella? Little Secrets..

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Josh took Ella and Mariella and the girls back to Ella's apartment. Ella couldnt stop crying.She couldnt believe that Niall didnt marry to her cause of Angela. Mariella was crying also.


Caroline: If he went to find her i will kill him.


Caroline:It is safe for you not to know anything. I would not let anything or anyone upset you and Mariella.

Ella: You killed dad and now you killed Angela. PLEASE DONT KILL NIALL IF YOU WANT ME TO BE ALIVE.

Caroline: Niall keeps making you sad why do you still love him?

Ella: I dont want to raise my babies without him. I dont want any babies. I only want him and no one else.

Caroline: You need to calm down and sleep. I will leave so you and Mariella can calm down,she said and left.

Niall received a call from Angela's mum that told him about Angela that she was in a hospital and she was in coma.

Niall: Hi Mrs Rebecca. How is Angela?

Rebecca: My daughter now is in coma cause of you. She loved you so much and she couldnt handle it any more.

Niall; Did she cut herself? How is her baby?

Rebecca: They told me that she would never wake up. The only reason why they keep her alive on the machines is her baby. The baby is still alive and fighting.

Niall: How is that possible? Why is the baby alive and not her?

Rebecca: She is pregnant with twins i learn and she would never know them.

Niall: Twins just like me and James. I cant believe it.

Rebecca: I dont know what to do. Should i keep the babies alive or die with her?

Niall; You cant raise the babies by yourself?

Rebecca: I want to start over my life. I dont want any babies now. I just got out from the mad house.

Niall: Why did you call me then?

Rebecca: I wish you and Ella would raise them together.

Niall didnt know what to say. He was sure that Ella would say no immediately cause they were Angela's babies and he just left her and break up with her.

It passed one month. It was March. Niall was going to the hospital to talk with Rebecca and see Angela. Ella was feeling so much better. She finished recording her album. Her album would come out in June.

Ella: I decided what i will call my album.

Perrie: What will you name it?

Ella: My Little Secrets..

Caroline: Ella i need to tell you that i managed to take Harry out from the prison and i will travel all around the world with him. And he is here now.

Harry: Hi Ella how are you? I learn about you and Niall. I'm so sorry.

Ella: You two belong with each other. You kill to make me happy. 

Harry: The pregnancy makes you look more beautiful now Ella.

Caroline: I'm here also Harry and you didnt say i'm beautiful.

Harry: It is obvious love. Where is Mariella?

Ella: She is in kindergarten now. I just finished recording my album.

Harry: Cant wait to listen to it and admire your angelic voice. When does it comes out?

Ella: In June. The month of my birthday..

Harry; Thats great..

Ella; I still cant believe that you were my first and not Niall.


Ella; Sadly no. It was all so dark and i cant even remember anything.

Harry: I dont know if i should be happy or sad about it.

Perrie: I would go now. I dont like this conversation,she said and left.

Ella: She still has feelings for me sadly.

Harry: I feel the same about.. You know.. But i should be with Caroline. I dont want him dead.

Ella: You and Niall save me from the darkness. But i'm not happy without Niall.

Harry: I promise i will help with Niall. I just want you to be happy.

Ella: So where will you go with my mum first?

Harry: To the city of love.. Paris..

Niall went to the kindergarten to see Mariella. Amanda was also there.

Niall; Hello Amanda. Can i see Mariella please?

Amanda: Does Ella know that you are here?

Niall: No this will be our little secret. Please Amanda let me. I missed my baby princess so much.

Amanda: What about Ella? You didnt miss her at all?

Niall; I missed her so much but i cant be with her at least for now.

Amanda: Why Niall? What is wrong with you? Is it cause of Angela?

Niall; Yes i need some time to grief for her..

Amanda: What is wrong with you? You are grieving the girl that Ella hates?

Niall; I dont understand why she hates her. She is her sister.

Amanda: You are the reason that Ella hates her.

Niall; I dont want to talk about it. Now i will see my baby princess. You can go now. I dont need you here..,he said to Amanda and tell her to go away from here and Amanda left.

Amanda call Zayn to tell her about Niall.

Zayn: What is wrong Amanda?

Amanda; Niall came to the kindergarten to see Mariella. Please come.

Zayn; Okay i'm coming right now.

Amanda; I know she wont hurt her. He loves her so much. I can see it in his eyes.

Zayn: I wish one day i will understand how it feels to have  a baby..

Amanda: I must close now Zayn. See ya..,she said and started crying.

Amanda was crying cause she was hiding something from Zayn..

Amanda: How i will will say to Zayn that i cant make any babies?..

P.S. What will happen now to Angela's babies? Will Niall tell Ella about Angela and her babies? Will Amanda tell Zayn that she cant make any babies?

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