Chapter 59: The Drop

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As the sunlight streamed through his bedroom window. Roger woke up to get ready for his usual morning run. He went downstairs and out the back door to stretch. Within seconds my twin is on the beach. BD our dog met him. My twin bent down to pet him.

Our house is now starting to move around that morning. I woke up to bath and get ready for work. My family follows suit behind me. Soon after that all the mugs, glasses, and my tumbler are out on the island.

Coffee is brewing in the pot on the counter. My hot chocolate is ready for me to drink. Fiona, Mel, and the guys came through two different doors. As for Roger he grabbed a water bottle from our fridge then head upstairs for a shower. He returned in our kitchen to greet everyone while giving us our kisses.

Breakfast is promptly served at 8:00 am. Everyone dished out their food to eat. The team sat down in their assigned seats between the island and our table. Her guys were on the couch using the coffee table for the food. Roger and I are over by the living room window. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

Everyone grabs their stuff while mentioning goodbyes to each other. All of us head outside to the cars and trucks. Our driveway and the house are now vacant. The team heads to their separate missions. As for Fiona has a little fun planned for the guys.

Wheels are turning is Mel's head trying to figure out this Mike that came into her life. Fiona notices this and asks " What is she doing?" I am making a list right now Fiona, she replied. As for Mike he puts a hand on her shoulder. Mel I know it will take you time to get used to me, he told her.

She looked at Fiona in the driver's seat. You guys dated each other. They looked at each other puzzled. " How did you know that Mel?" Both of them questioned her. Yes we did off and on for a few years. It got really complicated for us.

George and I are working on some intel. Questioning more people that were around that school. This took a couple of hours. Both of us got into his car for a drive. Graceland bound for us that afternoon. Later on we pulled into the driveway he parks his cars. I opened our front door. George closes it behind us.

I went upstairs for a quick bath to change. The team got home from work. Everyone greeted each other in our family room. Later on I returned to spend sometime with my family. Fiona's guys asked me some questions. They head straight to their respected places.

Lunch is promptly served at 12:00 pm. Everyone dished out their food to eat. The team sat down in their assigned seats. As for Roger and I are sitting on the couch using the coffee table for the food. We ate together like one big happy family. Over at the hotel her guys left their dishes on the table. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

Soon after that we head to our separate rooms. I took a short walk outside to get some sun. BD runs straight to me for a long sniff. Of course I bent down to pet him. We enjoyed this few minutes together. The team is doing work.

Mom is back in the kitchen cooking dinner at the stove. The team sets our kitchen table together. I put out our place settings on the island. The kitchens are smelling so good right now. Our meals are in their final minutes on their stoves.

Dinner is promplty served at 6:00pm. Everyone else dished out their food to eat. As for Fiona's guys they order something to eat from the menu. The team sat down around the table in their assigned seats. Roger and I sat on the couch using our coffee table for the food. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

The team breaks up into our usual two groups. My sisetes and I cleared off the table and wiped down the counters. Our brothers unpacked the  dishwasher. As for Mom she washedall the dishes. Jakes and Daddy repacked it with the wet ones.

Everything is put back in it's regular places. The kitchen light is turned off. Later on we bypassed the bonfire. All of us head to The Drop down the beach. Once we arrived to sit down at a table together. Seconds later a waiter came to ask what we wanted to drink. We ordered some beers and a soda for Nat.

Our guys are  playing a round of darts with each other. Come play with us T," they begged me. " No I am really bad at darts guys," I replied. A few seconds after that Roger's puppy dog face isin family swing. Turn off that thing please Roger. I got you to like baseball maybe it'll work on this too.

Later on I walked up the shore  back to our house. Upon my arrival there I went upstairs to our room to change into my jammies and  brush my teeth. Pumpkin Pie came right behind me. Both of us switched rooms when she got back I told her to give my twin his gun back.

He is going to need it very soon again. Meanwhile back up the shore  a round of shots is passing around for the older agents. Nat had another soda. Within minutes Abby joins them. Everyone greets each other with hugs and kisses.

" Two of you are missing," Abby mentioned. " Paige and Tia just went home,"they answered. I can always see them at another time. As for Nat she looks round at the team holding shot glasses and Abby who now has a can of beer in her hand. Daddy explains to her why they  keep ordering her  sodas.

Pumpkin Pie went to her room to got it. Minutes after that she met me in the hallway. We entered his room together. I rested it  in his  night table drawer.  The pair of us head into  our family.

Over at the Drop our family is still  hanging out with each other. Nat got up a few times to use the bathroom. We  watched t v on our couch. "I wonder if Mel likes Mike# 2, "my sister asked me. "You'll find out in the morning," I replied to her.

 Rockstar  won her over with that  teddy he gave her. "I know right and it seems to work with you too Joey," she told me. My twin did slightly more to win mine. Roger had my heart since the very  Broadway show that I attented where we met  each other. We  know that story my sweet little Joey.

Let's get Johnny to tell you that one of those days.  Yeah I need to hear it soon. Joey this will not be one that you are going to like. It's a story from the Bello case. Of course that was he's first case as he got here from Quantico.

Our family came back home from the  bar. A good percentage of them looked like they were about to hug the toilet all night. As for Nat she turned to her partner this is my extremely  new  normal. Yes it is and soon you're going to in with us.

They head upstairs to get ready for bed together. Later on all of them came into the family room. As for Roger he took me over to the chaise. We sat down and read his book. Usually we take turns reading to each other.

Meanwhile back on the couch with the team watching t v. " What were you two girls talking about when we came in?" he asked. " You're other favorite drug dealer in the world,"  I replied. " Bello and how Johnny never told me the story. He's still your least favorite right. There's  one more drug dealer you need to know about Odin. You mean our dad that can't be he's clean now.

When I asked him for drugs the other day he told me hell no. I already know the story about how he became  a heroin addict. He was also  skimming some of that for himself during the Bello misson. Charlie  got in a little deep and started  hanging out with our Mexican counter parts  called the federale. As for Jangles he held them hostage.

During a long extremely boring  commerical break we took a stretch. Everyone stood up  in our family room to mention goodnights to each other. Roger gave me the usual forehead kiss. Our family followed suit with kisses on my  cheeks. Soon after that he moved with the book in his hand to be with  the rest of the team.

I went upstairs to our room to get in bed with Pedro. The t v sets and family room lights are turned off. My family tip toes into their separate rooms.  Pumpkin  Pie decided to sleep with  her Rock star. Everyone joins me in dreamland that night.

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