Chapter 5

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*Somewhat edited*

 Italicized phrases with a * next to it mean it's in Elvish

At the sound of an Orc battle cry, I pull out my bow, the bow my Father, Thranduil, gave me over a hundred years ago, and notch an arrow.

The cries seem to come from nowhere until, suddenly, a pack of about fifteen orcs and five wargs come into view.

I aim my bow, and fire, killing two orcs at once with an arrow that went through a skull and embedded in another.

When the Orcs come to close for me to use my bow, I jump off my horse and whip out my two daggers, spinning them in my hands.

I take out the snarling wargs next with a combination of arrows and sword slices. From the corner of my eye I can see Lumornel with wide eyes, terrified, and a hand on her dagger.

The remaining thirteen orcs come to me, good, that's my goal, I need to keep them away from Lumornel until she can defend herself.

The orcs form a circle around me, trying to land deadly blows on me. I stab an Orc through the heart and kick another back as it tries to get to me. Two gang up on me and I slash them across the throat, spewing blood.

A particularly ugly looking Orc, an Orc leader it looks like, tries to take me on with hand to hand combat, keeping me from defending Lumornel and my other sides, leaving me vulnerable.

An Orc came up from behind but the Orc leader was still keeping me busy. I was waiting for a blow when I heard something fly by my head. The Orc leader lost his footing and I took him out.

I turned behind me to see that a knife had been thrown, hitting an Orc trying to come at me, in the forehead. I looked at Lumornel, who had thrown it, and found that she, too, looked very surprised.

"I don't know how I did that, I swear," she blurted and looked at the hand that had thrown the dagger.

I narrowed my eyes at her, mostly in confusion, but I could tell she was telling the truth. I could see it in her eyes.

I walk over to the dead orc and pull out the dagger. I hand over the knife and as she takes it from me slowly I say, "diolla lle."

She presses her mouth into a line and I see her eyes stray to somewhere behind me. I watch her facial expression change from a mouth in a straight line to it relaxing and opening slightly and her eyes widening.

She moves to get off her horse and I go to help her down. She shrugs me off, "I got it."

I step back and let her clumsily get off her horse. I wonder why she doesn't want any help, it's not bad to ask for guidance. She'll have to change her habits soon.

She makes for the carnage of dead orcs, "Lumornel! What are you doing?"

She keeps going and doesn't look back, "I saw something."

I watch as she picks her way around all the dead evil beings and kneels down next to one of the many large rocks.

"Legolas!" I run over to her quickly and look to where she's looking. There, in the grass, lay a young elf-maiden. She has long black hair and fair skin. I did not know the color of the eyes because they were closed.

Lumornel leaned down and touched the cut on the elf's forehead. It looks like she had been hit.

Unexpectedly, the elleth was up and had Lumornel in a headlock, a knife to her throat. She had electric blue eyes.

"Don't*," I say calmly, "she is of no harm to you*." I hold out both of my hands in surrender and to show that I mean no harm.

"Yes, but how do I know that you mean no harm?* " I smiled, she was clever, I'll give her that.

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