Chapter 61

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Mother's brows were furrowed deep. Father sat across the table with her, twiddling his thumbs.

"When will the army be fully mobilized?" He asked. I relished the sound of his voice. For months I had been deprived of it and now I'll lose the sound of it again.

"Legolas hopes the regiment, healers, and food supplies will be ready within the week." I bit my tongue, pushing around the cooked meat on my plate. Mother is going to say something, I know she is—

"How-how dare they! They shouldn't be doing this so soon, what about casualties? Calculations for food?"

I sighed but kept my mouth shut.

"They should let you rest! After all, you've been traveling for months now! Why don't—I'll ask the king himself for you to stay behind. You've been through more than enough, my daughter—"she had no idea, especially about what lurks just beneath my clothing—"I won't see you go through more." Mother's voice shook with rage and sorrow. She too had pushed her half-eaten plate away, appetite thrown aside as the topic of the upcoming war was brought to light.

Shaking my head, tears filled my vision. I hated this. Hated it so much. Of course I wanted to stay here, try to forget all the bad and just rest. "You can't. I have to go, Mother. It's necessary."

"Necessary!" she scoffed. "Valar! I'll show them what's neces—"

Father put a hand on her arm. "She's right, my love. She is a Prophecy Written, she must go for it could be her destiny."

He looked to me now, grey eyes soft. "We'll help you prepare."

I nodded gratefully, then averted my eyes.

Mother had her head in her hands, shaking it softly. Her shoulders shook slightly.

Silently, I stood and collected the dinner dishes and went to wash them. To just get away, to be in the silence of thought.


The week of preparations was over. Almost.

Six days of dawn till dusk moving food and medical supplies onto wagons, helping move armor, weapons. Some wagons had set out today.

Jars clinked in the crate as I carried it to an awaiting wagon, one of the last that would leave. Of course, the wagon wouldn't be set up with a horse or two until tomorrow, but we had to start preparing now. We had started six days ago.

"Ni 'lassui, hiril Lumornel," the elleth said, checking the jars and marking it down in her notebook.

I nodded in acknowledgment, mostly lost in my own thoughts, as I tried to think around the giddiness that threatened to destroy me.

Courting. Legolas is courting me.

After yesterday when I made my proclamation, he had offered me his arm in courtship and walked me home. I could still feel his arm on mine, if I imagined.

I forced myself to stop breathing, close my eyes, and not make the gleeful noises wanting to escape me.

"Hiril nin?"

"I'm fine," I forced, eyes still closed. Then, slowly, I opened them. However, I was unable to contain my smile.

The elleth appeared startled but smiled back. I left her, an embarrassed blush starting to creep forward, to go collect more medical supplies.

But a male guard stopped me.

"Hiril Lumornel, the King wishes to have an audience with you," the guard said strongly, voice as smooth as a steady wind. But his jaw was clenched as he beheld me.

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