Be prepared for a long chapter, folks... or at least it's longer than my usual ones...
The gentle wind swept back the wisps of hair that had fallen out of my braid and filled my lungs with the clean air. Gentle splashing filled my ears as I dipped my oar in and out of the blue water. We had left Caras Galadhon early in the morning, now it is high noon.
"I fear a storm is brewing," Boromir called out from his boat in front of me.
I nodded, even though he can't see me, "yes, Legolas had said the same thing before we left."
I looked over at Legolas, who was sharing a boat with Gimli, and smiled, "your elf-mind seems to be one step ahead of everyone else's."
"Not all the time," he retorted. I scoffed.
I snapped my head to where Pippin leaned precariously out of the side of the boat that he shared with Merry and Boromir.
"Pippin, don't tip the boat over. I don't think your companions would appreciate it if they had a little dip in the river."
Pippin blushed a little, but he leaned back in the boat, "can you sing?"
I was caught off guard by his question, but before I could answer, Boromir cut in with a laugh, "she's a woman! Of course, she can sing!"
I laughed with him, "As great as that would be, Boromir, being a woman doesn't mean that I can sing. I'm actually quite terrible at it."
"Oh, surely you can't be that bad Miss Lumornel," Sam cut in.
I snorted, "I sound like a dying cow!"
Legolas chuckled in the boat beside me. I prepared myself for whatever joke he would say.
"That's an insult to the cows!" I looked over at him incredulously. If I had something to throw at him I would.
"Now, now. Everyone settle down," Aragorn said, I silently thanked him, "I'm sure she sounds like a beautiful choking cat."
My mouth hung open. "What is with you men!?"
"Oh, Lumornel! Won't you sing to us a little?" Merry asked.
My eyes opened wide, "weren't you listening to our conversation at all?!"
"Frodo, Gimli. You have anything to say about my voice?"
"No. Not at all, Lassie. Your voice is like the wind blowing through the trees, clear and beautiful," Gimli stated. I blushed and looked down.
"I must agree with Gimli. I don't know how such a voice cannot sing," Frodo added in. In between strokes, I pushed a stray hair behind my ear. Stop making me all flustered.
Instead of letting myself be tortured by being embarrassed, I went to thinking. Why must I always think?
Not knowing what to think about, my mind went immediately to that dream with Sauron. Is it possible that I was dream-walking like I did with Galadriel? And what about his offer? I can have Arda if only I joined with him. To be honest, it was quite tempting. Still is tempting. Who could refuse being offered the world? Once I have the world, I could save it. Right?

The Unexpected | LotR Fanfiction
Fanfiction"King Thranduil's voice rung out again, filling the area, 'And Legolas? Do not fail, she could be the tipping of the balance that Middle-earth needs.'" - Lumornel has always been a quiet girl, content with her nose stuck in a book or writing in her...