*Somewhat edited*
Just imagine that everything spoken in this chapter is in Elvish
"What are you doing entering the forest of the Lady of Light?" An elf with blond hair stepped forward, the shadow from the leaves above marking his features.
"I am Legolas, Prince of the Woodland Realm. By orders of my Father, I must take this girl to Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel," trying not to make any more of a threat that we already are, he put away his bow and arrow, the chink of his arrow hitting his quiver evident.
The elf put up his hand and then lowered it, ordering his elves to lower their weapons, they did this in perfect unison.
"And who is this girl...?" he inquired, looking at me, raising an eyebrow. He must be wondering why I am so special, I would also like to know that.
I squirmed, not liking his gaze, and tried looking anywhere but his eyes.
Legolas opened his mouth, but I didn't want to seem weak by having him speak for me, and, besides, it seemed like he was talking to me.
"I-I'm Lumornel..." My cheeks heat up from embarrassment, am I supposed to say something else? It seemed like I should've but what? I looked at the ground and tucked a strand of pure white hair behind my ear.
"Lumornel?" his eyes widened, "well it seems that I've been a little inconsiderate. I am Haldir of Lórien. I will take you to our Lady of Light," I couldn't help but notice the dreamy way he said 'Lady of Light.'
Haldir lead our horse through the forest with the other elven folk behind us. I looked about at the huge trees around us, admiring the different kinds of moss and underbrush. I relaxed to the sound of the leaves blowing in the wind and the soft clopping of Dapple's hooves in the grass.
"Legolas, I have much desired to lay my eyes upon Greenwood the Great, which I have heard it has been laid waste to by a great evil. Has it changed much?" Haldir asked with much curiosity.
A sadness filled Legolas's eyes and a terror and pain I couldn't place. "Yes, a great evil had come and settled in the old fortress, Dol Guldur." He cleared his throat with some effort. "But it has been drawn out and it retreated into the east. Mirkwood is slowly healing."
"Once Mirkwood has restored its greatness, I will have to visit," Haldir nodded politely.
"I will be looking forward to it," Legolas said with a smile in his voice, although it looked strained. He wanted as far from the topic as he could, it seemed.
It was well after dark when I got my first glimpse of Lórien.
Between the leaves ahead, I saw a glimmer, pale and bright like the stars. I could barely contain my excitement as I waited for the elves to move aside the tree branches. Finally, they did, and they held it back long enough for us to walk through.
I gasped at the sight.
Great staircases wound their way up and around the enormous silver-grey trees. The twinkling light seemed to make up this elven city, I could not imagine this city during the daylight, without the beauty of the star-like lights. Elves were everywhere, perfectly separated so the place did not seem crowded. I could smell Lembas bread and the light smell of herbs floating through the air and hear the soft, enchanting music of flutes, harps, and the light, fair voices of elves singing in perfect harmony. This place truly felt like walking through a dream; I can see why it is called the fairest place of the Elves.
Many of the elves looked at us while we went our way through the truly beautiful place, would I ever get used to it? But, thankfully, they were considerate enough to go back to their business.
Haldir lead us to the horse stables where I heard other horses neighing to each other. Here at the stables most of the elven guard departed us, only four stayed—by command of Haldir.
I dismounted first, my feet making a dull thud on the dirt. I straightened my dress, gosh, I loved this dress when I first got it, but now it's just a nuisance.
I looked up, while Legolas dismounted quickly, and saw Haldir eyeing me. I quickly looked away, pretending I didn't see him looking, and tucked my hair behind my ear.
I felt something brush against my arm. I looked up to see Legolas. He must've felt my gaze because he looked down and smiled at me. Blushing, I looked away.
"Come and follow. I will show you to Lord and Lady of Lórien," Haldir stated. After securing our horse in the stables, Haldir turned on his heels and began to lead us towards a beautifully lit, high staircase that wrapped around a ginormous silver-gray tree. The unearthly lights bounced off the tree, sending the light outwards.
I stepped onto the surprisingly smooth surface of the first step and gripped onto the railing as we went higher and higher. As much as I love the view, I had to look away and to my feet, so I wouldn't trip, I am known to be a klutz at times, and now would be a bad time to slip, embarrass myself, and get hurt in the process.
Finally, after like a hundred stair steps, we came to a whitish platform with a magnificent high roof, the roof is only a roof, with no walls, it is only for protection from the rain I assume, but it is intricate and beautiful nonetheless. On this platform, there is no railing or anything to prevent you from falling, but there would be no need for a railing unless you ventured to the edge, but this platform is very big so I can easily avoid it if I want to.
Up ahead there are more steps, but they don't go around a tree, they go up to another platform with beautiful chairs, or should I say thrones. On them sat an ellon with straight white hair, the same color as mine and next to him sat and elleth with wavy golden hair. They stood up and walked hand and hand to us.
I gasped probably the biggest gasp I have ever gasped.
I stood with my mouth agape staring at the elleth. I grabbed Legolas's arm and started gently hitting him rapidly.
"Legolas. Legolas! This... This is Ammë!" I turned to him and hissed. I searched his eyes and his widened. He suddenly turned around and fell to his knees, bowing. I stood there, looking between him, Lord Celeborn, and Lady Galadriel, now slightly confused.
Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn looked amused and Ammë walked to Legolas, "stand."
At her command Legolas stood, looking flabbergasted, "h-how?" He stuttered, voicing my own thoughts as well.
Lady Galadriel, A.K.A. Ammë, smiled and looked to me.
"A, my Yendë. We have been waiting for you to arrive. The past seventeen years has been the longest I have ever known," her voice sounded like the flowing wind and it surprised me, hearing it in real life, not in a dream.
Lady Galadriel took my hand in hers and Lord Celeborn walked to me with a smile on his face and placed a hand on my arm.
I looked back to Ammë, "how is this possible?" I whispered trembling. She's not real, she's just a figment of my imagination. Just a dream.
"No, my Lumornel, I am very much real... I have a connection with you that enables me to dream walk with you... For I am your mother."

The Unexpected | LotR Fanfiction
Fanfiction"King Thranduil's voice rung out again, filling the area, 'And Legolas? Do not fail, she could be the tipping of the balance that Middle-earth needs.'" - Lumornel has always been a quiet girl, content with her nose stuck in a book or writing in her...