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This story is the first completed chapter of my writing 'career.' I've never finished a writing piece of novel length, I've started several yet I never finished any. Until now. Completing this means so much to me. Doing this proved that, hey! I can actually write something.

I couldn't have done it without all of you, even all you ghost readers. I know my writing, the plot, and character arcs may not be the best, but thanks anyways for sticking through it all. (and if you have tips I'd love to know them).

It didn't actually occut to me that'd I'd finish this until sometime around when Lum and Legs were journeying towards Mirkwood and by that time I was so clos to the ending I just knew I could do it.

And if I didn't have all voting, commenting, and simply adding to the 'reads' then I couldn't have done it. I would've simply have given up. Yet, with all of your help, I've learned I can write a full story. And I'm only going to get better from here.

There are many people I would like to thank and I'm going to start off with the person who inadvertantly got me into Lord of the Rings. That person would be one of my best friends; lalaandtokki

One day I was bored and wanted a movie to watch so I took several quizzes and every single one said either Pirates of the Carribean or Lord of the Rings. And... I didn't really want to watch either.

So, I texted her, asking her vaguely 'what movie should I watch?' And eerily, she said Pirates of the Carribean. I said no. Then she said LotR and I realized if I had to pick between the two I'd go with LotR.

And.... That was when I had watched LotR for the first time in probably six or seven years? And then I got sucked in and couldn't stop from drowning.

Now, in the same year, another one of my GREAT friends started a club called 'Creative Writing Club' which was later renamed 'Nerd Herd.' This friend,KatiePitts, later became our Queen (Literally. We coronated her and everything).

It was in this club that I received my first support on this fanfic. Every member took their time to sit silently at the end of each meeting and listen to me talk about this fanfic (even though many of them had no knowledge on LotR). Some even answered my questions on what I should do and gave me some ideas. Just, they're support and silent listening gave me more of a push to continue writing--especially when the teacher who looked over our craziness showed interest.

Thank you thank you thank you to all you members of Nerd Herd:

lwerckenthien —thank you so much for being the teacher who oversaw the whole ideal. Nerd Herd wouldn't have became a reality without you.

WizardOfWaffles —Thank you for being I think the only other LotR fan in the club and then actually reading my fanfiction and enduring the cringey beginning.

KatiePitts —Thank you again for being our Queen and founder. Without you, the support I needed to write wouldn't have been possible.

no_jams_club —Oh you. You have had to listen to me gush over my characters and scenes. You've probably been bored out of your mind while listening to me trying not to ramble on about this fanfic.

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