Prayers going out to all those who were/are/going to be affected by all the hurricanes down south.
(play the soundtrack now if you wish for more feelz)
Why do my eyelids feel like oliphants?
They're so heavy I can barely open them. I can only open them a smidgen—bright, white light burned my retinas.
On the other hand, I'll just keep them closed.
I moaned slightly at the feeling of my head being weighed down by sandbags. My throat feels like those sand bags were poured down it.
Whatever I did to cause this I don't ever want to do it agai—
This time I did open my eyes and sat up faster than a jack rabbit, hissing at the stinging pain it caused in my abdomen.
The flood—Legolas—my mark—Sam—the light—
It all came crashing down on me in a matter of seconds.
My eyes widened and the air stung as I sucked it in. Where's Saruman? Is he dead? Is he coming for me? He's going to kill us for this. He's going to kill us. We have to get out of here.
I don't care what Legolas did yesterday, we must get out of this wretched place before he finds us.
I grit my teeth through the pain as I rise to my unsteady feet. I searched the horizon as I did, keeping a look out for a horde of horrid creatures and a tall man with yellowed robes. I don't ever want to see the blackness in his eyes ever again. I don't want to feel his fingers on me. I don't want to hear him hum or talk or breathe. I can't—I won't—
I sucked in a shuddering breathe.
Just the thought of him instilled terror in me. If-if he finds me... who knows what terrible things he'll do to me. I-I—
All of a sudden I could feel all the injuries he gave me. I could hear the humming of his voice as he worked with his knife. My collarbone ached, my thigh ached, everywhere he touched ached.
Warmth pricked at my eyes. I started shaking and I took a staggered step forward. I have to warn the others. I-I don't want to be caught by that horrid wizard again. I don't ever want to meet any kind of wizard---they-they might be like him. They might hurt me.
Crunch, scrunch, crunch.
I twisted around at the footsteps—and saw the white-robed figure approaching me. Something like worry and curiosity embraced his features.
I stopped mid-step, glanced behind him at the others sitting around. They looked as if they had been talking amongst themselves, but now they looked on at the situation unfolding. Aragorn stood, Melnare came into view from where she stood concealed in the forest, the hobbits ceased their talking, and Legolas looked on with his head cocked to the side—just like how he had looked at Sam when he—
"Who are you?" I snapped at the stranger. He looked far too old to be going on a quest of this magnitude. Actually, he looked like he belonged in a temple, speaking wise words to the few who attended and eating all the cheese and crackers his heart desires.
"Steady yourself, Lumornel-Treeshade. You are gravely injured." He took a step forward, a wrinkled hand reached out in faked-assurance. I almost tripped in taking a step back.
"Who. Are. You." My voice came out steely. The sound of it surprised me. How much had I changed while being locked away in the gloomy cells of Orthanc?

The Unexpected | LotR Fanfiction
Fanfiction"King Thranduil's voice rung out again, filling the area, 'And Legolas? Do not fail, she could be the tipping of the balance that Middle-earth needs.'" - Lumornel has always been a quiet girl, content with her nose stuck in a book or writing in her...