Chapter 62.5 | The Right Way to Spar

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I bit my lip, glancing around at the many ellyn erecting a handful of tents and others who secured wagons for the night. The sun hadn't yet set, but in an hour or two it would.

"I feel like I should help."

Legolas shrugged, then nodded to a soldier who saluted him as he walked past. "The ellyn have done this many times, extra help may be an annoyance."

Well, then it's time to rest.

My limbs ached for a respite, leaden from the day's arduous walking and small portion of riding. Fatigue was a crouching monster, ready to leap and drag me into the clutches of sleep. And the sun. It's beaming heat seemed to steal away all my energy. I remembered sitting up in my tree when I was not even a year younger, reading books about adventurers and thinking that traveling would be so much fun. Fun sometimes, yes, but mostly exhausting.

And so I was ready to fall into the nothingness of sleep. After today's monotonous day of dwelling on all things terrible, I wished for nothing but the absolute bliss of closing my eyes and falling into oblivion. I was too tired to have nightmares, or so I hoped.

Legolas was bouncing on his toes expectantly.

I groaned. "No." I drew out the word. "I'm too tired."

He grinned and shook his golden head. "You promised."

I huffed. If only he could understand the fatigue of being of the race of Man, but he never would, no matter how much I explained. "Who's the relentless one now?"

"Not you," he said as he watched me reluctantly unshoulder my bag. He was practically a little boy, what with the way the glee was wafting off of him.

I looked around at the many ellyn milling about. Barely any paid us any heed, but they sure would if we were to do what Legolas wanted. "So where are we to spar?"

Knowing exactly what I was thinking, he took my hand and weaved us in between the travel-weary soldiers. How was Legolas so tireless? Even his soldiers seemed ready for rest!

He pointed towards where three tents were being set up. "On the other side of those tents. We'll have less of an audience."

I studied him curiously, suddenly wondering what he had planned. That or he had been possessed by some other creature.

He furrowed his brow as he caught my stare. "What?"

"You love to show off. So why are we hiding?" I asked. "Not that I'm complaining!" I hurriedly added, in case he decided to change his mind.

"I do not love to show off," he said, and I knew that to be partly true, for he liked privacy... but still. "I simply appreciate the appreciation of others. And I know you better than you think, Kelvar," he said. I still wasn't sure if I liked the nickname or not. On one hand, being called animal was sort of an insult. But remembering our conversation when traveling with Kaylessa to Lorien, and the fact that it was Legolas saying it, it was kind of endearing. I never thought that being compared to all of the animals of the natural world would ever be heedlessly romantic.

His eyes watched the tents going up like a dog waiting for a treat, alight and anxious. "So which are we sparring with first: swords or fists?"

"First? We're only fighting one round, aren't we?"

He shook his head boyishly.


"We're fighting at least once with each, the opponent wins by keeping the other captured for five seconds."

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