Chapter 56

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Ohmygoshes ohmygoshes ohmygoshes IVE BEEN WAITING TO UPLOAD THIS CHAPTER

"Your highness," Cúthalion said, jogging up. "The spiders are coming."

Legolas kept walking, unfazed. "Yes, I fear they've been following us for some time."

Cúthalion nearly stumbled, chestnut hair shifting. He struggled for the right words, "what do you wish for us to do?"

"Hasten your pace. We might be able to stumble upon a patrol."

The younger ellon paled. "Might?"

"Don't lose hope yet, the spiders will take one whiff of us and go running in the other direction!"

Legolas smiled, easing the tension. Cúthalion wasn't reassured, but some color returned to his face as he nodded.

Maiwia tugged on my hand. "Are you alright, Brennil?"

"Just trying to focus, is all." Storing up energy took most of my concentration. Trying to filter energy in through my skin—without it overwhelming me. But I wanted to be prepared for when we're attacked. So if being prepared meant that I might be a little sidetracked, so be it.

I twisted the leather bracelet around my wrist, feeling the beads, entangled in the braids, rub softly against my skin.

My thoughts trailed back to Gifu, like tendrils lost in time. Her smiling face exhausted but rosy, a squalling baby all wrinkled-like in her arms. She would coo back to the child, playing with its tiny fingers and toes. Nursery rhymes would have been heard softly from Sunnwyn. Silent tears in Gifu's eyes, seeing Sormer in their baby.

"Lum?" Legolas asked softly.

I jumped, noticing how close he came. "I'm fine."

He easily saw through the lie. He responded by squeezing my hand, then he let go and moved further away.

"Um, your highness?" Hencef asked uncertainty. The question made our herd of children halt, making way for Legolas to stride to where Hencef had stopped. Her brown hair spilled over her shoulders as she leaned down, peering into an overgrown patch of dark brush. Well, everything in a forest is overgrown, I guess.

Her eyes widened, adding to the sudden paleness of her face, as she realized what she was looking at.

Legolas took out one of his knives, carefully moving aside twigs. And backed up.

"We still have several days until we reach the palace. Hurry our pace and we can make it in a day or two. I'll lead us through a known sentry territory." He sheathed the weapon. Just like that, we continued. As if something hadn't happened.

Legolas whispered in my ear as he moved to the front. "Body wrapped in webs. They're close."


Yeah, real close, I thought an hour later, while recalling the incident, just as Maiwia screamed.

Dreadfully, I turned around. I almost just wanted to hop up in a tree and let the spiders do what they want—

Snap out of it, Lum. It's the forest talking.

Pulling free Gorthaden, I faced the handful of children just as a spider, taller than two of me stacked on top of each other, broke through the tangle of trees.

"Children! Drego! Stay together!" Legolas boomed, bow already loaded and twanging. The spider ahead shrieked.

"It burns! It burns!" Its voice, high and raspy, made a little whimper come out of Maiwia as she ran away. I, however, stared dumbly.

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