Chapter 16

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Days have passed. Days. I have been avoiding Legolas. I know, I know, why am I avoiding him when I had been dearly missing him? I can't explain it, maybe it's because I feel like I have changed. Would he like that I have changed? Would he like this new me? Or maybe I feel like I would be letting him down. He left me here to stay safe and to build my power, only to come back to find that I am going on this perilous journey and I have not mastered my skill. I have only succeeded in harming myself and the people around me.

So when he goes out to patrol the borders with some of the Lórien elves, I stay behind and train and vice versa. It has become clear that Legolas has become slightly, if not more, irritated by my actions.

As of right now, I'm sitting high up in the crook of a tree waiting for Legolas and various other elves to get back from patrolling. I will be going on the next patrol while Legolas rests.

Just as the sun has reached its peak, it's sunny tendrils warming my skin, I see the elves exit the forest with blank expressions.

I guess they found nothing interesting.

I wait a moment for Legolas to leave and I jump down from the mallorn.

I twirl the ends of my braid in my finger as I wait for the two elves that will be joining me to arrive.

Then guess what happens? Legolas walks out of the woods.

"What are you doing here? I thought you had just patrolled?" I ask in the most polite way I could.

He quickly glances at me, then back out towards the woods where we will patrol, "I am not fatigued. And I thought that I would join you today, I have not had time alone with you since I got back. If I didn't know better, I would have thought that you've been avoiding me."

"What?! That's nonsense," I lie and immediately feel guilty. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"

He looks down towards me, "pretty?"

Did I just—did I say pretty?

"Who else is joining us?" I ask, desperate to change the situation.

"No one. I suppose we can go now," he starts towards the trees.

But I don't follow, "no one? We are always supposed to go in groups of three or more, otherwise, it's not safe."

Legolas turned towards me and his face lights up with a smile, "I told Gantar that we'd be able to handle ourselves."

"But—" I stopped myself and marched into the woods after him.

"Galadriel would not deem what we are doing wise"

"So?" He remarked, raising an eyebrow.

I was at lost for words. I tried searching for the right words, "you are so foolish," I shake my head.

"And you are so pigheaded."

"Hey!" I punch his arm only to see him shaking from laughter.

"What is so funny?!"

All he does is shake his head while holding in his laughter.

"Fine! Don't tell me," I huff and pull out my daggers.

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