Chapter 37

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This amazing chapter is provided by  MonsterCupcake61176 , who wrote it beautifully. This would not have been possible without her. Thank you so much, Mellon nin. 😊

Darkness loomed above and around him. The shadows weaved through the trees, whispering words of evil and malice. Legolas stared at the fortress of Dol Guldur, a foul place long thought abandoned, but he knew better. Something was dwelling within its depths and spreading its shadows throughout the forest, his home. Legolas had pleaded with his father to take action but his words had fallen on dead ears. Thranduil would do nothing, but Legolas would not stand by as Mirkwood, once called the Greenwood, fell further into darkness.

"My Lord Legolas?" A young ellon appeared behind him with a bow grasped tightly in his hands.
"What is it Casdir?" Legolas gestured for him to come closer.
"I mean no disrespect my lord, but I'm not so sure about this." Casdir was fiddling with his bow, unable to meet his prince's gaze.
"Are you nervous? It's alright if you are, no warrior is without fear or worry."
"It's not only that Prince Legolas." Casdir shook his head and lifted his green eyes towards Dol Guldur. "I have felt uneasy since leaving the Woodland Realm. I-I am afraid that we've made a mistake in coming here."

Legolas gripped Casdir's shoulder causing the younger elf to look at him. He could see the fear in his eyes and did not blame him for being afraid.
"We cannot turn back now Casdir, not when our goal is in sight. I told you what we would be facing and you readily agreed to accompany us. If you felt such doubts after we left why didn't you tell me?"
Casdir bit his lip and lowered his eyes again. Legolas sighed glanced once more at the looming fortress. Tomorrow they would enter Dol Guldur and seek out the source of the evil infesting their home. Once they found it, Legolas would destroy it.

"I don't want you feeling as if you cannot approach me Casdir," Legolas continued turning back to the young elf, "if there is something you need to tell me then please, do not hesitate. It is my duty to watch over my warriors and you are no exception. I would not have held it against you if you wanted to return in the beginning."
Casdir shook his head.
"I couldn't have done that Prince Legolas. Our king requested warriors to accompany you to Dol Guldur, if he wants this evil destroyed then I will do what I can to see it done."

Legolas stiffened slightly but Casdir didn't notice as the prince quickly hid his discomfort behind a smile.
"You are a brave warrior Casdir, I'm glad to have you here with us."
Casdir's eyes lit up and he beamed as he accepted the praise.
"I will make you proud Prince Legolas." The elf bowed before returning to where the rest of Legolas' warriors were camped in the trees, hiding until the time came for the attack on the fortress.

Legolas watched him go before setting his sights once again on Dol Guldur. Was this truly the right thing for him to do? A dark sense of foreboding fell over him. What if Casdir was right? What if this was a mistake? Legolas shook himself. He couldn't afford to let doubt creep in, not when he was so close to reaching his goal.

Turning his back to the fortress Legolas went to rejoin his warriors and go over the plan one more time. He'd hardly taken a few steps forward when his body suddenly tensed, his instincts screaming in warning. A black arrow slammed into the bark of a nearby tree passing inches from Legolas' face. The elf dropped to his knees to avoid a second arrow that passed harmless over his head.

A cry of alarm sounded from where the rest of his warriors were camped, the roars of orcs and the crashing of steel against steel flooded Legolas' ears. He sprang to his feet and drew his knives just as the first wave of orcs appeared from the trees. Legolas knew he was hopelessly outnumbered, the only chance he had at survival was to regroup with the others. He started to run only to come face to face with a large orc. Legolas narrowly missed having his head cleaved off by a scimitar as the beast swung at him.

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