Chapter 41

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Yeah, Boiii


The causeway was long and cold. The beginnings of rain pelted us, the fierce winds making it feel like tiny needles. The Hornburg loomed overhead and I had to lean my head back to see all of it. Golden heads peeked out from above the Deeping Wall. So, Mithrandir's assumption was correct, the women and children did escape to here.

I only hoped that when we were in, we wouldn't see any wounded or mourning. But the mourning couldn't be evaded. Everyone here had lost a husband, a father, a brother.

"Hail, Rohirrim! We are here to see to your wounded!" Aragorn called out to whoever would listen.

The great gate creaked open and out rode an armored female. Her brown hair was plastered to her forehead and shoulders from the driving rain. Her brown mare gleamed with slick rain. It was strange to see a Rohan woman with hair other than blonde. Or so I thought. Books always told me the Rohan people had blonde hair.

"Who are you?" Her voice gave away her young age.

"I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn. This is Gandalf, once known as the Gray Wizard. And this is—"

"Gimli, son of Gloin," the dwarf interrupted.

"And I am Legolas Thranduilion of the Woodland Realm."

A pause of silence.

I clear my throat. "And I am Lumornel Tree-Shade, here to see to your safety." I bit my tongue as I felt my face heat.

"We are honored to have royalty here with us. But why are you here?"

How many times did we have to say it, lady?

"We are here to see to your safety. And Lumornel feels the need to visit and hold counsel with you," Aragorn stated.

The girl looked at me.

Aragorn, why oh why would you say such a thing. I just want to help, not be put in the spotlight!

"Are you the one the prophecy speaks of?" Her voice held curiosity.

I lowered my head and tried to ignore the rain in my eyes. "Yes. What do they call you?"

"Leofwyn, daughter of Heoden." Her green eyes drifted from my face to Legolas's. And she wouldn't stop staring.

I gritted my teeth. "Yes, he's an elf."

Legolas flashed his brilliant smile. "Like what you see?" He joked.

I glared at him but could feel the hot blood creeping up my neck.

But I wasn't the only one who blushed. The girl turned scarlet red and quickly turned her horse around. "I'll let you all in."

"Thank you!" I sighed in exasperation under my breath.

Legolas smiled slightly. I pretended not to see it.

"Where is your authoritative figure?" Gandalf questioned.

"That would be Eowyn. She is tending to the wounded." The girl raised her hand—some kind of signal—and the great gate opened with a roar.

Torchlight and odors of all kinds flooded over us. Many women stood armed with swords and knives but lowered the steel when they saw the girl who lead us in. Barrels and wagons were pushed up along the walls behind the wall of women, many curious children peaking out between their mother's legs. I gave them the warmest smile I could. But some of the children caught sight of my exposed arm. I quickly pushed down my sleeve.

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